Search results

  1. didz04

    Frame Wall Tank Fish Suggestions Please?

    You're right, and it's exactly what I was thinking, 10 cm does seem very shallow, but since these frame tanks are on the market I thought I'd see what the forums says to keeping types of fish in them. At the moment I haven't decided to purchase one but just brainstorming ideas for an aquarium...
  2. didz04

    Frame Wall Tank Fish Suggestions Please?

    Hi its been a while since I've posted on here.    A little background insight to my current situation. I have an aquarium setup in my kitchen 40" long fluval tank and I am currently keeping cichlids. They are out growing the tank so I am looking to upgrade but to place the new tank in my living...
  3. didz04

    Fish Recommendation: Prefer High Flow And Ph Please?   I was looking at this rainbow fish which was recommended in other threads, regarding tanks with stream effects. So far this is all I have got but I'm also looking into the hill stream loach. 
  4. didz04

    Fish Recommendation: Prefer High Flow And Ph Please?

    Hi    I have decided to keep a group of african tinanti congo cichlids type of fish which in nature require medium flow pushing over the rocks.    Do you know of any other types of fish that live in high PH and are good for high flow environments which will cover the middle and top of the tank...
  5. didz04

    Looking For Suggestions

    You can make half the tank for the shell dwellers with shells and low rock works and then the other half people tend to mix them with julidochromis, build like an high ocean rock platforms for them on their half of the tank. The reason why julidochromis works as they tend to stay around their...
  6. didz04

    What Would You Put In This Tank?

    I have decided on my species :)    I used to have a cichlid called African congo tinanti cichlid, Steatocranus tinanti. We could only find one singularly as in the shop it was on its own. I did think about this before but now hopefully I'll make it reality on adding a group of these with the...
  7. didz04

    Looking For Suggestions

    I was going to suggest african cichlids they are colourful with some really nice personalities, but they can outgrow that tank unless you go for juveniles.   Pelvivachromis pulcher are hard water type of fish and calmer of the cichlid species.    You can go for an all shell dweller tank, they...
  8. didz04

    What Would You Put In This Tank?

    Interesting ideas so far :)    I don't want the tank to look empty so anything that is perhaps a really active fish that will swim around the tank. 
  9. didz04

    What Would You Put In This Tank?

    Hi    I have been keeping marine fish for a while and I was going to set up this 48 x 30 x 16 inches tank for saltwater but ideally at the moment I can not afford to do so. I'm shutting down my current saltwater nano tank. I would like to make it a freshwater tropical tank though. Right so I...
  10. didz04


    Okay thats not so bad. For I am going for the less concentrated solution from Interpet.    Thanks again :)
  11. didz04


    I am thinking of going for the much more diluted stuff lol. What will actually happen if I were to add more than I should to the water and effects on fish, would it be serious?   If that can do 14,000 liters then one drop of that must do a lot more needed than a bucket of 20 liters of water.   ...
  12. didz04


    Hi this dechlorinator product mentions it can dechlorinate water upto 12000 liters with the whole bottle (35ml)?   It seems like a lot to handle for a 35ml bottle. Could it be that concentrated to handle...
  13. didz04

    Greetings, From Kieva.

    Yes its a very good site to get great advise from people and the fact that people are on here is because they care for the fish. So any questions you have feel free to post them on here or more like in the correct sections of the forum e.g. tropical discussions and there is a section for...
  14. didz04

    Greetings, From Kieva.

    Welcome, what do you have in your 10 gallon tank?   Yes you should respect and listen to your parents, but if they are doing something wrong that will risk the fishes health then you should teach them instead of the right thing to do. On here it is not like the fish shops who are giving advise...
  15. didz04

    Supraman's 10Gal Tank Journal

    Looking good mate and sorry was browsing the forums and ebay so I have been busy looking around and missed the chat. I think you have to squish the peas a little to make it sink, mine used to sink after a bit of squishing. lol
  16. didz04

    How To Remove Paint From My Back Glass

    Thanks I'll look into the paint stripper.  Also thanks for your suggestion Mikey to. 
  17. didz04

    How To Remove Paint From My Back Glass

    Hi my tank is currently running, I had a backing on it but when I took it off I realized there were paint marks on it. I bought it from someone and took the back off recently. I thought they were just marks on the backing but turns out to be white paint slight long marks.    Whats the safest way...
  18. didz04

    My Cichlid Ready For Breeding?

      Also what type of cichlid is it and is it male or female?
  19. didz04

    My Cichlid Ready For Breeding?

    I can bring some pictures up if it helps. 
  20. didz04

    My Cichlid Ready For Breeding?

    Hi   One of my cichlids roughly 5-6cm had a few mm of tube sticking out from below and it was out for a while. I have just got back in to cichlids and the only breeding ive ever had is from convicts and kenyi cichlids. Just curious to know if thats a sign that its ready to lay eggs or already...
  21. didz04

    All Barnacle Decoration For Shell Dwellers?

    Interesting. Its probably because their making up territories for breeding time. I was hoping for fish to be swimming in and out the barnacles as they look good swimming in and out their holes. I know its different, but I built a live rock structure with big swimming holes using acrylic rod and...
  22. didz04

    High Ph Tolerant Plants

    I really like the look of the anubias plants. Ive never thought about acclimating a plant from low to high ph, something I will definitely consider.    Thanks for all the suggestions. :)
  23. didz04

    All Barnacle Decoration For Shell Dwellers?

    Thanks, yeah at the moment I have been reading about them for a while and I thought while I have a shallow 20 gallon running I should give them a shot. In general I am not to keen on keeping just shells but I will definitely add plenty of them in. I was thinking of going for the brevis as a...
  24. didz04

    Gu10 Leds - Keeping Java Fern Or Any Other Plant

    Hi,    I have planned out to run Cree Gu10 LED lights over my shell dweller tank. I want to mainly keep Java fern is my main type of plant and seeing that they are pretty hardy and easy to keep live.    I was curious would the gu10s be sufficient enough to grow them? The tank itself is shallow...
  25. didz04

    High Ph Tolerant Plants

    Yes, I could go for artifical but I've always preferred live. Looking at a youtube setup someone has had java ferns in their tang cichlid setup and they seem to be thriving. 
  26. didz04

    High Ph Goby

    I like the desert goby but not seen any in shops yet, I know viscum may be able to get some in. However, what would be a good house mate. I wanted to go for a small shell dweller group. Not sure they will get harassed by them though.    I'd be honest I don't know how high my ph is but I am using...
  27. didz04

    All Barnacle Decoration For Shell Dwellers?

    Hi does anyone know if this would be a good idea? Do they need shells to breed? Thanks
  28. didz04

    High Ph Tolerant Plants

    Hi are there certain plants which do better in higher ph. I am looking to fill a few areas in a shell dwelling cichlid setup. Are there certain types of plant specifically from the tanganyikan waters or will any tropical plants be fine?    Thanks
  29. didz04

    All Barnacle Decoration For Shell Dwellers?

    Hi would an all barnacle decoration be suitable for the shell dweller families? I am looking to mix it with some plants. Will they still breed in these or is a shell decoration a must?    Thanks
  30. didz04

    High Ph Goby

    Hi are there any gobys that live in high ph? So far I have found the bumblebee goby and Black Toraja goby, Mugilogobius sarasinorum. Not sure I will be able to get hold of one though.    Any suggestions welcomed. 
  31. didz04

    20 Gallon Shallow Tank - Looking For A Good Filter?

    Thanks for the suggestion. I was looking for an internal filter no higher than 10" as the tank is only 13" and the sand bed itself nearly 2". 
  32. didz04

    20 Gallon Shallow Tank - Looking For A Good Filter?

    Hi I am looking for a good filter for my 24" x 16" x 13" shallow tank. I have just setup the tank and the sand is used and cleaned but not fully so the tank is cloudy so I am running a fluval 4 filter in there for the time being.    I would prefer one which is over rated for the tank but that...
  33. didz04

    4Ft X 12" X 15" Fish Recommendations

    I have had a group of tiger barbs before only around 5 and they were really nice so would like to try more. Thanks for all the advice, for now the puffers not on my list but for the setup I have been looking into the tang cichlids because I already have plenty of aragonite from my closed down...
  34. didz04

    4Ft X 12" X 15" Fish Recommendations

    Wow never knew cichlids were a choice with barbs but just wondering don't cichlids need a higher ph range, I thought barbs preferred lower?
  35. didz04

    4Ft X 12" X 15" Fish Recommendations

    How many fish would you recommend for this size? I like all sorts but just want opinions as I'm not stuck on an idea yet other than the shoal of tiger barbs. I know sorry theres a lot out there but what would you recommend from your own experience and I am looking for fish with a lot of...
  36. didz04

    4Ft X 12" X 15" Fish Recommendations

    Hi what do you guys recommend any fish for this setup? I am looking for fish that wouldn't actually outgrow this tank so I was thinking a shoal of 8 2cm tiger barbs to start with. What would be a good mix with these guys and no more shoaling fish to. Thanks
  37. didz04

    Yellow Belly Slider Turtle In This Setup?

    I am going to design my idea on paper and see what you guys think? I will be picking up my tank next weekend.