4Ft X 12" X 15" Fish Recommendations


Fish Addict
Feb 20, 2009
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Hi what do you guys recommend any fish for this setup?

I am looking for fish that wouldn't actually outgrow this tank so I was thinking a shoal of 8 2cm tiger barbs to start with. What would be a good mix with these guys and no more shoaling fish to.

Are you looking for peaceful fish or somewhat aggressive... There are lots of options for that tank...

What types of fish do you like the look of?
How many fish would you recommend for this size? I like all sorts but just want opinions as I'm not stuck on an idea yet other than the shoal of tiger barbs.

I know sorry theres a lot out there but what would you recommend from your own experience and I am looking for fish with a lot of character perhaps? Another fish I did have in mind is maybe 2 flying fox and I was thinking could I mix it with a group of SA puffers? When I say group I mean 3 as I read they do fine in 3s?

So far does this sound good?

8 tiger barbs
2 flying fox
3 SA Puffers

I am looking for a bottom dweller is there one out there that sifts the sand to keep it clean a bit like the marine gobys and atm not looking into to a plec as they create a lot of waste.
Tigers can be a bit nippy, so choosing tankmates must be done carefully. That tank can hold a lot of tigers, I'd say a group of 12-15 would be nice amount...

You could also add some cichlids into the tank. The fish with it need to be fairly stout, as the tigers can be bullies at times.
Wow never knew cichlids were a choice with barbs but just wondering don't cichlids need a higher ph range, I thought barbs preferred lower?
It depends on the cichlids... there are South American which prefer softer acidic water, and there are African which prefer harder alkaline water.

I know sorry theres a lot out there but what would you recommend from your own experience and I am looking for fish with a lot of character perhaps? Another fish I did have in mind is maybe 2 flying fox and I was thinking could I mix it with a group of SA puffers? When I say group I mean 3 as I read they do fine in 3s?

So far does this sound good?

8 tiger barbs
2 flying fox
3 SA Puffers

I am looking for a bottom dweller is there one out there that sifts the sand to keep it clean a bit like the marine gobys and atm not looking into to a plec as they create a lot of waste.

These fish aren't really in my "wheelhouse". Not sure how the puffer and the tigers would get along. Never had any experience with that... Hopefully someone else can come by with some insights on that. The one things I do know is that generally, more tigers is better in terms of their aggression.
South American Puffers are lovely looking fish, but there are a few things you need to know when taking them on including...

They can work in a community, but it is still a risk. Tankmates must be zippy tropical fish that also enjoy a strong current, that do not have tempting long fins.
They get bored very easily and will "pace" up and down in the same spot of glass. You need to stimulate them by having a ~50% heavily furnished maze from top to bottom, using loads of bogwood (and plants if you wish) to create a myriad of tunnels.
They love a strong current, 10-15x real turnover blowing cross the length of one open length of the tank will keep them happy.
They are very social for puffers and will often huddle up together at night, so a group is preferable.
They will almost certainly need their beaks trimming every few months, even with a snail rich diet. This invloves catching the puffer and sedating it with a very careful dose of clove oil, before using a set of strong clippers. Not for the faint hearted!
Your in for a treat if you chose tiger barbs in your tank. I have the same size tank with 10 tigers, 2 firemouth, 2 gold severum and a red tail shark.

The firemouth are great sand sifters.

Thinking of upping the barbs to 15 and adding some zebra loach (6-8) for the bottom.

I love my tigers, they are always ziping about up to something. They keep their aggression for each other which is good. So long as you keep there numbers up and don't give them any temptation (ie, an angel fish).
Vote No 2 for gary,

My barbs and firemouth's get along great together.
And I was soon planning on adding a group zebra loaches :)
I have had a group of tiger barbs before only around 5 and they were really nice so would like to try more.

Thanks for all the advice, for now the puffers not on my list but for the setup I have been looking into the tang cichlids because I already have plenty of aragonite from my closed down marine tank and I like the look of ocean rock which I have setup in the past. I have also just purchased some bogwood root type 40cm x 20cm high to have at the side to keep a few plants around it.

I was wondering if anyone knows would it be fine to boil the aragonite sand and add it straight in to the tank? It it still in the tank with saltwater, still need to empty it.

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