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  1. C

    Buying Ro Water Vs Treating Tap Water

    Nooo, I don't want to be "that guy." I read so much before starting my tank and I did indeed cycle the tank. If you look up some posts a couple weeks ago I was applying the nitrifying bacteria and dripping in ammonia and monitoring the nitrite and nitrate. The high nitrite levels I think are...
  2. C

    Buying Ro Water Vs Treating Tap Water

    Hi. Well, I may have to begin actually purchasing RO water from my LFS... an idea I am not fond of. My tap water is very alkaline around 8.2 and I cannot seem to lower it. I have the chemicals, and my test kits are not expired... the water simply doesn't change it seems! I read that water...
  3. C

    Fish In My 10g, Finally!

    Thanks, I think you are right. I should definitely give the new tankmates a time to get used to each other before making any decisions. And yeah, I will look into those species you mentioned. :) Hey Squidman, do you plan on adding more fish to your 1 Guarami, 2 Loaches 10g?? That sounds like...
  4. C

    Fish In My 10g, Finally!

    Good to know, thanks! So I've only had the Tetras in my tank for about 2 days now and I am already a little annoyed by their presence! Well, mostly because I think that my Gouramis are annoyed and that upsets me. The two Gouramis (anyone know how to check their sex?) seemed so peaceful and...
  5. C

    Fish In My 10g, Finally! Okay, wow, I'm new to setting up a fish tank and definitely new to photographing fish too! The first is with with flash and actually came out well, except their orientation isn't the...
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    Opinions On My Fish Plan For My Tank?

    :) That is a sight I'd like to see. I wonder how many you could put together before multiple schools begin to form... or before they just get sick of seeing so many of the same fish! hahaa I'd be curious to put 40 neon tetras in a 40 gallon. :) I would like to see their behavior.
  7. C

    Fish In My 10g, Finally!

    Sure, I will take pictures as soon as I get home. :good:
  8. C

    Fish In My 10g, Finally!

    Wow, I hope that doesn't happen with the fish deaths. The tetras are partially transparent, but also metallic silver, and sharp dorsal fins with a prominent black band on them. Maybe I should pick up 2 more.... but like you said my tank may be undersized. I've been on top of monitoring my...
  9. C

    Fish In My 10g, Finally!

    Hi, I was posting a couple weeks ago about setting up my tank. Just wanted to drop back in and say hi, and let everyone know that I now have 2 neon blue dwarf guaramis and 4 "hybrid" tetras, the LFS didn't know exactly what they were. I cycled using SuperBac Nitrifying Bacteria and it has...
  10. C

    Ammonia Readings

    Adding bacteria to the tank isn't getting around the cycling, it is PART of the cycling. If you don't have fish you'll still have to feed your newly introduced bacteria with ammonia from a dropper. This way though you don't have to wait for bacteria to accidentally happen upon your tank.
  11. C

    Ammonia Readings

    Yes, that is correct and I am totally Pro-Fishless Cycle too. Having to wait for two species of bacteria in the air to happen upon and populate your nicely ammonia'd tank takes too long for me. Then I heard about Bacteria starter kits and I now wonder why they aren't suggested in the pinned...
  12. C

    Ammonia Readings

    Go buy a bacteria starter kit: BioSpira or SuperBac Nitrifying Bacteria. It will cycle your tanks in a couple days and you can move on to getting fish. :)
  13. C

    Air Quality And Water Quality

    Just did some research on Biospira. Some people seem to like it and some others not so happy about it. More positive than negative reviews from what I've seen though. I'm also interested in SuperBac which one user seemed to absolutely love. For one the SuperBac comes with an estimated shelf...
  14. C

    Air Quality And Water Quality

    Right, I read elsewhere that people didn't see how it could work unrefrigerated, etc etc. But the bottle says "Refrigeration Not Required" and (not to sound naive) but I don't think API would blatantly sell a product they knew would not work under standard shipping and store stocking protocols...
  15. C

    Air Quality And Water Quality

    I'm going stir crazy waiting to see some signs of bacteria growth in my tank. I bought some bacteria starter, API's StressZyme I think it is. Added that, did a 15% water change to make sure that my ammonia levels were non-toxic... thought that maybe I'm not adept at comparing the color bars...
  16. C

    Cycle Problems

    Yes, I believe a pH increase is the right thing to do. The nitrification cycle has been stalled.... or rather, the nitratification cycle if it's your Nitrite that is still high. I'm a noob though... but I think I understand the problem.
  17. C

    Barney's 58l Modified Marine Nano

    Beautiful Barney. :drool: Looking great.
  18. C

    Lighting Schedule For Working People.

    Ooo, digital timer with weekend settings :) I want one of those. So it seems like most people, assuming they stick to the two times a day feeding, will do their first feeding in the morning before the light have come on.
  19. C

    Lighting Schedule For Working People.

    Thanks, everyone! Great, so I need to get a timer and I think I'll go for a maybe 10am to 10pm lights-on cycle. I'll just feed the fish in the morning with the natural light. I don't really know the behavior of fish so I wasn't sure if they would notice if I fed them with the lights off in...
  20. C

    Lighting Schedule For Working People.

    Hi, I wasn't able to find the answer to this using the search functions. So I've read that fish need to be fed twice a day and also have 8-12 hours with the lights turned on. How do other working people manage this with their schedules? I want the light to be on for the several hours I'm home...
  21. C

    Tank Temperature

    :rolleyes: :lol: Okay, good to know. I'll pick one of the submersible types today.
  22. C

    My First Tank, 10gal, Ammonia...

    Cool. I will try out a couple different methods tonight for siphoning off water... none of which will involve sucking on the tube! haha... I can't believe I even resorted to that last night. Yeah, I purchase two 2.5Gallon buckets which I promptly labeled "G" and "B" to keep the dirty "bad"...
  23. C

    I Need Help On How To Clean The Tank (especially Gravel)

    Okay... I guess other people are using this method successfully, cool. Filling the tube beforehand with tap water occurred to me but I was worried about the chlorine contamination. I suppose if you release your thumb as soon as you lower the vacuum into the water then you'll be fine. Hmm...
  24. C

    My First Tank, 10gal, Ammonia...

    Hi Everyone, I've just started a new 10 gallon tank... my first. I plan on eventually doing a large mini reef but am getting my feet wet (!) with this small tank first to learn to do things right. Seems like I'm not the only one that was had by that pesky surfactant. After reading the...