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  2. E

    Clamped Fin Lethargic Betta

    Getting better day by day :)
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  5. E

    Clamped Fin Lethargic Betta

    Mine was in a container that was 3x3 (tiny coffee cup size) Could barely even turn himself around. I don't agree with the conditions these poor fish have to live in. I saw this one desperately needed helped so that's why I brought him home. I try to avoid petstores for this exact reason, but...
  6. E

    Clamped Fin Lethargic Betta

    He's swimming around more and fins are relaxing a bit, not so much his tail yet
  7. E

    Clamped Fin Lethargic Betta

    I have him in bottled spring water
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  11. E

    Clamped Fin Lethargic Betta

    Thank you I appreciate your kindness He's been swimming around more today and blowing more happy bubbles And HUGE improvement..... He's hanging out by the bamboo!!!
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  15. E

    Clamped Fin Lethargic Betta

    And the poor guy who knows what his life was at the petstore and how long he was in that tiny container for. I have a 4 year old betta in a 5 gallon bowl and he's super happy and flourishing. I'll try a tank for my new guy. Are there any specific plants you could recommend for his tank? My other...
  16. E

    Clamped Fin Lethargic Betta

    And I check on him now and he's straightened out and swam to the other side of his bowl Oh I feel so bad for him
  17. E

    Clamped Fin Lethargic Betta

    Which type do you recommend? I have only ever used bamboo with mine. I can tell this poor guy is giving everything he has to hold on. I've never had/got a betta in this condition. Thank you
  18. E

    Clamped Fin Lethargic Betta

    In the last half hour his body has been holding like this He is definitely not well at all
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  20. E

    Clamped Fin Lethargic Betta

    I'm wondering if it is, but I want to try my best for him. He still hasn't eaten or swam around since I brought him home He has been blowing a few bubbles at the top though
  21. E

    Clamped Fin Lethargic Betta

    Yes I've done all that He is in sping water Still hasn't eaten since bringing him home and just sits at the top not swimming He has a bit of a curve in his body and is very thin
  22. E

    Clamped Fin Lethargic Betta

    Hi there, Thank you for your reply Right now he is in a 2 gallon bowl with 2 healthy bamboo shoots in bottled spring water. Okay, I wasn't sure if it was okay to transfer him into a huge one right away. I thought I was supposed to gradually increase tank size. I have a 4 year old yellow beta...
  23. E

    Clamped Fin Lethargic Betta

    Hi there, I just brought this poor betta home from the petstore today and I have done some reading about possible reasons for his unhappiness. I put him in a larger bowl with clean water and wrapped a really warm cozy around his bowl. Should I wait a few days and see if he improves? I can't...
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