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  1. 007_gaz

    Pleco Temp

    hi I once saw a common pleco in a coldwater tank and I thought hey thats not right, but I guess their room temperature was warm ish the reason they had sucess. u would of thought pleco cannot tolerate coldwater.can pleco survive and not get any illness from coldwater?
  2. 007_gaz

    Midas Cichlid

    hi, could u give me some idea what the midas cichlid is like? i heard its known as 'old mr.satan' due to being really bossy. i saw one a while back it seem rather shy and hiding behind plants. would u keep midas strictly on their own?
  3. 007_gaz

    Piranha Keeping 102

    hey i saw a picture once of red bellies and silver dollars together, aparently they are found together at times in the wild. but lots of space and hiding spaces plus making sure they are well fed could help this to work in the aquarium. i heard even red bellies eat their own kind if they are hungry.
  4. 007_gaz

    Discus Owners

    hi im intrested to know do u discus owners have your heater set over 80 like they say. its just i see discus quite oftern at aquatics and i see the temperature is the same as other tropicals in that safe green zone. i wonder do discus really need that extra heat? there was an orange discus i saw...
  5. 007_gaz

    Wider Tanks

    thats intresting with clearseal. they usually always 12 wide even 5foot one i saw. see my cabinet will take up to 15inches wide and 50inches long tank. its a proper clearseal cabinet and desinged to hold heavy tanks. the one i got now gotta be like 55g. im sure cabinet be fine with that extra...
  6. 007_gaz

    Wider Tanks

    hi for ages i always wanted a tank that was a bit more wider. its rare to see unless it was a display tank at a shop. see my main tank is like 13inches wide but it seems really narrow. in shops they never seem to get tanks wider than 12inches its like a standard. have u ever seen tanks of...
  7. 007_gaz

    Tanks With Plastic At Bottom

    yea thats what i ment that elevated thing where bottom of tank isnt touching the cabinet, but say u did have polytrene under the plastic is there a disavantage here?
  8. 007_gaz

    Tanks With Plastic At Bottom

    hi, i just wanted to check, u know some tanks have like a plastic tray cover at bottom, with these tanks do u still need polystrene under base or is that plastic tray desingned to support it? i just wondered if it matters if u put extra polystrene under there just to give bit extra support yea.
  9. 007_gaz

    From Tropical To Marine

    the tank i was thinking of using is 32inches long, 14inches wide and 18inches high. for ages i wanted to try marine but tropical easier to keep the reason im staying tropical until very sure about marine keeping. i like where u can have an intresting choice of cleaning crew and colourful fish...
  10. 007_gaz

    From Tropical To Marine

    hi, it seem easy to go to tropical to marine but then i noticed its not as easy as it seems. i heard its way more expensive and alot harder in difficulty to maintain, its quite off putting yeah. is it true that u use filter for flow only and that u should remove media as its no good in marine...
  11. 007_gaz

    Ceramic Rings

    ok thanks for the advice there. i was just wondering thats all. cheers.
  12. 007_gaz

    Ceramic Rings

    hi, those ceramic rings in the cagey part of filter. do u really need that? see i heard of people just putting a sponge there instead. i wonder what your views are here.
  13. 007_gaz

    External And Tank Lid

    hey thanks. i just wonderd if thats what u guys did. on my other tanks theres a large gap to allow for external. its just my largest tank only have gap enough for light, heater, filters wires to go through.
  14. 007_gaz

    External And Tank Lid

    i was thinking of going external due looking at inside of one and it looks like it can do a good job but i noticed a problem with my tank lid, theres pre-cut holes at eack end but only small enough for heater and filter wires but not those external tubes. when u set up external did u have to cut...
  15. 007_gaz

    Do U Use The Old Method

    i was wondering can just gravel alone act as a filter. i think in the wild this is the case and the moving water is the water change. see i have a tank thats bare bottom and its easy to clean but i was told u need something on bottom as it acts as a filter. is that true that gravel on its on is...
  16. 007_gaz

    Do U Use The Old Method

    does anyone use the old way to filter by having a tray under your gravel. some say if maintained well by gravel cleaning oftern its a very good filter. i heard it only works best if u have thick layer say inch layer of gravel on top of tray. i think internal filters are better though as they can...
  17. 007_gaz

    Can U Use Garden Found Stones

    hi can i just check with this alter ph thing, is it true only effects fish like neon tetras that are very sensitive. if the garden found stones did adjust water chemistry would that bother my blood parrott and oscar? i like to think the oscar is very hardy.
  18. 007_gaz

    Can U Use Garden Found Stones

    i see where people its ok only if leave in warm water for ober 1hour to get rid of any parasite threats. i might give it a try. thanks.
  19. 007_gaz

    Can U Use Garden Found Stones

    u know stones in the garden can u use them in aquarium to make cave? as long as wash them a bit in warm water it should be ok to use? i notice many like to use slate for cichlid caves. i can never find an ordiment big enough for my oscar but garden stones i saw could make a great cave oscar...
  20. 007_gaz

    Any Own Massive

    yeah it was a white one. i notice it had a job to turn around in the tank. u must need a large tank like 6 foot long. lovely fish though.
  21. 007_gaz

    How Old Your Tank

    is it really just super heavy tanks that have risk of exploding due all that pressure of water. see i like to have a bit of piece of mind instead of worrying tank will go bang in the night lol i never heard of tanks under 100g crack its rare to hear of.
  22. 007_gaz

    How Old Your Tank

    it got me thinking as i heard that u are supose to replace your tank every few years. is that true? it seems most have their tank for 10 years ish then start to worry lol sure i heard these tanks of today can last a bit longer than say those back in the 70's. hey say if u had an old tank in the...
  23. 007_gaz

    Are Feeder Fish Safe

    this is intresting thanks. i see that in the wild oscars can get the odd treat that falls in water like insects and bits of fruit. is it me or is does oscar like any food lol it might be where they call oscar the river dog. im sure i heard that feeder fish have no real nutriants for oscar so i...
  24. 007_gaz

    Are Feeder Fish Safe

    ok thanks for advices. my oscar takes those pellets and mealworms and bloodworms. thats about it really he rejects flakes and sinking fish treats he will spit out again. i have tried prawns before he enjoyed that. hey how about fish from shop like salmon?
  25. 007_gaz

    Are Feeder Fish Safe

    hi. is it ok to feed fish to oscar? i see at searches people say yes to minnows but alot of no's to goldfish. u see at times i have an odd small fish die and instead of flushing it i kept thinking would oscar eat that. i guess it would fit in their mouth lol but where fish had died could it harm...
  26. 007_gaz

    Any Own Massive

    hi i saw a large fish one day it was huge and looked a massive version of the gourami. by guess it must of been 24inches long and 10inches high. amazing seeing it in action in a display tank. have u ever seen a mega gourami?
  27. 007_gaz

    Eheim 2224 Vs Fluval U3

    i notice my fluval is noisey aswell. i'd hate to get a new filter as fluval seem to have lots of sponges and that cage part with rings in. that gives lots of room for bacteria to grow. i found when i had old interpet pf3 the sponges were smaller so this is where i like u3 better as it as 6 extra...
  28. 007_gaz

    Filter Bacteria

    thanks for advice. old matey in pet shop said to replace it every 6weeks. i never do lol i just wash the sponges in old tank water to play safe. i just keep re using my sponges. ever noticed alot of online advices are better and different from what u hear said at pet shops.
  29. 007_gaz

    Filter Bacteria

    hi, i just wanted to check is it true that bacteria doesnt really grow on the sponges and that the sponge is more of a dirt trapper. i once read that the bacteria grows at top of media and in the cage part with those rings things in. i ask because if i was to replace the x2 sponges im hoping i...
  30. 007_gaz

    Advantages Of Plants

    thanks, i find it intresting. i did have those clay pot ones u can buy but they were attacked by angel fish and silver dollars lol so i been sticking with plastic plants for now. but i am thinking of real plants again to help in tank and make it look more natural. i might get a few moss balls...
  31. 007_gaz

    Advantages Of Plants

    hi, what are some of the advantages of plants in tank? i heard that heavily planted tanks can absorb alot of whats harmful to your fish and also release oxygen but at night plants would use it which might be hard on the fish. i wonder with those clay pot plants u can get, can just a few of them...
  32. 007_gaz

    200 Litre Tank Upstairs?

    yes thats ok as long as it goes across the joists. im sure that be fine but not sure anything over 75gallons would work it feels a bit risky but anything below 75g i would trust.
  33. 007_gaz

    Which Are Best Internal

    hi. i been checking out some the biggest internal filters like fluval u4 and interpet pf3. care to share if these on their own could handle a 4 foot tank? at the moment i have x2 internal filters and one at each end of tank, it seems a good thing to do. im douting that u4 alone could filter...