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  1. repunzlie

    Bottom Feeder Fish

    Yea it must be a cory. Are there little "wiskers" sharp? Cause when he touches my frog, the frog sorta jumps... What do you guys feed your corys?
  2. repunzlie

    Bottom Feeder Fish

    I think im paronoid. But I just got a new bottom feeder. What sort of behaviors do they have? I thought they were these calm dudes that just swam at the bottom of the tank. He swims around like a mad man... i just dont want him to freak out my other fish or hurt them...
  3. repunzlie

    Feeding Fish

    :fun: Thank you everyone =) :fun: ;)
  4. repunzlie

    My Fish And Their 10 Gal Tank.

    Yea Ive only had the tank for a week, so it does need to be jazzed up a bit. I cant wait to make it look like some of your guys' tanks!
  5. repunzlie

    My Fish And Their 10 Gal Tank.

    I havent mastered the art of taking pictures of my fish without flash, so pictures are blury. Let me know what you think. I couldnt get a good picture of the guppies.
  6. repunzlie

    Feeding Fish

    Ok I have a little frog I dont know what kind he is, (hes the size of a quarter, legs and all) And the guy at the pet store told me to feed him a cube of blood worms twice a week. But when i put the cube in, the fish start getting to it and eat most of it, My frog gets some when they fall to the...
  7. repunzlie


    Do fish need a break from the light. Like at night time can I turn them off? Or is it better to always have the lights on. Thank you.
  8. repunzlie

    Fishy Question

    The guppies were sorta following/ sniffing one of the mollies, and now the molly is like getting back at them like if they get to close it darts at it. lol. But luckly they have a little hide out were the frog likes to go. I just have a couple tall plastic plants. I want to get real ones, but Im...
  9. repunzlie

    Fishy Question

    yes thats my tank, It has plants in it now. Um I have 2 guppies and 2 mollies and a frog. What does it mean when fish dart at eachother, is that fighting?
  10. repunzlie

    Fishy Question

    Its only 4 little fish in a 10 gallon though. Isnt that big enough? Oh and What are the advantages for a sucker fish? And what do they eat?
  11. repunzlie

    Fishy Question

    My fish like to swim up and down the side of the tank with their nose touching it. What are they doing? They do it a lot. Silly question I know, but just curious.
  12. repunzlie

    Fish Changing Colros?

    Ive already checked the ammonia its perfect. I havent checked the other ones tho. And all the other fish are fine.
  13. repunzlie

    Fish Changing Colros?

    One of my orange tail guppies is starting to turn into a black-ish color in the tail and on its scales... its a little smaller than the yellow tailed guppie. I just wanted to know what that means. Or if its ok. And one of my mollies likes to stay towards the top of the tank (still moving) like...
  14. repunzlie

    Newbie Me

    Hello Im Lauren I just got a 10 gallon fish tank on saterday. And all its goodies. I have an underwater frog, 2 guppies, and 2 mollies.