Fish Changing Colros?


New Member
Feb 19, 2007
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One of my orange tail guppies is starting to turn into a black-ish color in the tail and on its scales... its a little smaller than the yellow tailed guppie. I just wanted to know what that means. Or if its ok.

And one of my mollies likes to stay towards the top of the tank (still moving) like with its nose touching the top. Is that alright?
Need to look at your stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
Black markings can be ammonia burns that are healing.
Ive already checked the ammonia its perfect. I havent checked the other ones tho. And all the other fish are fine.
Don't know without other stats to go on.
Is there enough aeration in the tank.
I would ask in the livebearers section more experts over there on these fish.
Good luck.
Ive already checked the ammonia its perfect. I havent checked the other ones tho. And all the other fish are fine.
maybe he is a young fish and this is gunna be his true colouring as he matures
mollies do that often dont worry about it

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