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  1. tinytayor

    Plz Help, Panda Cory Sick, Again!

    theres this like white chuncky stuff on the gills and this white stuff on like its body, and i noticed another one of my panda corys is starting to get it too. i havent added anything, i havent added any new besides the 3 panda corys. i have two angelfish, 5 guppies, 2 mickey mouse platies, one...
  2. tinytayor

    i think my platy is pregnant! XD

    i think my platy is pregnant! XD
  3. tinytayor

    Mickey Mouse Platies Acting Weird

    lol, thanks, but i saw the little thing on the blue one but not on the orange one, so im thinkin it is pregnant
  4. tinytayor

    Mickey Mouse Platies Acting Weird

    ok so i have two mickey mouse platies and all of a sudden they started actin buddy, theyre almost always together and mostly in the plants. and one has a belly, i thought i was just over feeding, but now im startin to think its pregnant. can anybody back this up?
  5. tinytayor

    Help! Panda Cory Pop Eye! Plz Help!

    ok so i woke up and i was feeding my fish and i noticed one of my panda corys eyes was bluging out! help what do i do! i dont want to take it back to the pet store! i wanna help him and make him better
  6. tinytayor

    Panda Cory Food, Help

    ok maybe ill try that, thank you
  7. tinytayor

    Angel Fish

    he might be going blind. you should ask your local petstore
  8. tinytayor

    New Starter! Help!

    i personally like the rummy noses. theyr pretty and theyre a schooling fish
  9. tinytayor


    green spotted puffer fish. i wanted to get one becuz theyre so cute but i saw online that they eat snails to keep their teeth short and i have a snail that i want so i didnt get it
  10. tinytayor

    Panda Cory Food, Help

    it doesnt look like theyre eating them. i put shrimp pellets in, and bottom feeder wafers ill try the peas. do i have to like do anything to the peas?
  11. tinytayor

    Panda Cory Food, Help

    ok ive spent hours on the internet trying to find what panda corys will eat. ive seen, flake food, pellets, blood worms, tubix worms. and the petstore near me has all of that. but i want to know if anybody has had any panda corys and had success with a certain product. im kinda low on money and...
  12. tinytayor

    Will A Green Spotted Puffer Fish Eat My Ghost Shrimp. Can Someone Help

    Will a green spotted puffer fish eat my ghost shrimp? i saw online that they eat ghost shrimp but different websites say different things.
  13. tinytayor

    Help My Molly!

    the tank is new, yes i do have other fish: 2 goldfish, 1 angelfish, 1 molly, n 1 frog (they all get along great though), yeah this tank is the same as the older one, i havent done anything different, yeah, i used filtered water to fill the tank, and no theres no difference except that this tank...
  14. tinytayor

    Help My Molly!

    ok so i have a dalmation molly. i bought it a few days ago and it was in a ten gallon tank for like two or three days and now its in a 30 gallon tank. it has more room to move and its not movin as much as it was in the 10 gallon. it was all over the ten gallon. but now it moves around but today...
  15. tinytayor

    Help My Molly!

    ok so i have a dalmation molly. i bought it a few days ago and it was in a ten gallon tank for like two or three days and now its in a 30 gallon tank. it has more room to move and its not movin as much as it was in the 10 gallon. it was all over the ten gallon. but now it moves around but today...
  16. tinytayor

    I Have A 10 Gallon Tank, How Many Fish Can I Have

    yeah, everybodys adisve was good. but i couldnt take the fish back so i made do with what i had ;) . i know everybody told me that my set up wouldnt work but its been going great so far :D
  17. tinytayor

    I Have A 10 Gallon Tank, How Many Fish Can I Have

    thats cool :# where is it?
  18. tinytayor

    I Have A 10 Gallon Tank, How Many Fish Can I Have

    yes, its really cool. i hvent been to aquarium since i was like 3
  19. tinytayor

    I Have A 10 Gallon Tank, How Many Fish Can I Have

    hey thats really pretty picture :)
  20. tinytayor

    I Have A 10 Gallon Tank, How Many Fish Can I Have

    well i didnt buy these fish as babies. i got one from the fair 4 months ago, and the algae eater from my boyfriend. n the other goldfish and loach 2day. n they all seem 2 be doing fine
  21. tinytayor

    I Have A 10 Gallon Tank, How Many Fish Can I Have

    ok so i just got a 10 gallon tank. i have 2 medium sized goldfish, a clown loach, and a algae eater. i want to get a african dwarf frog and a tiny goldfish. can my tank hold all of this? please help me!