Angel Fish


New Member
Jul 28, 2010
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I have three angel fish in a 29 gallon tank, and I just noticed that one of them has a white speck on its eye. It is about the size of pecil lead. I was wondering what it was and what I should do if anything.
Welcome to the forum Mossor01.
I wish I could be more help but have no idea what you may be seeing on the angel. Do you have a picture we could see to help folks understand what you are facing?
I have three angel fish in a 29 gallon tank, and I just noticed that one of them has a white speck on its eye. It is about the size of pecil lead. I was wondering what it was and what I should do if anything.

he might be going blind. you should ask your local petstore
Get a decent picture, ask someone like me that sells to local pet stores if I feel they are a competent enough shop.

Much depends on the age, as well as tank decorations. It may be a bit of sparring, as angels are cichlids, it may be an injury from something in the tank, it may be the beginning of a bacterial issue.

With any of the above, you can't go wrong with some large water changes until a more definite idea is come to. Start with 50% daily for a week, every other day for the second week.

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