Panda Cory Food, Help


New Member
Jun 14, 2010
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ok ive spent hours on the internet trying to find what panda corys will eat. ive seen, flake food, pellets, blood worms, tubix worms. and the petstore near me has all of that. but i want to know if anybody has had any panda corys and had success with a certain product. im kinda low on money and i dont want to have to keep buying stuff to figure out what they like
have you ever heard of algae wafers?I heard they eat them
or brine shrimp or shrimp pellets
Are they not eating what you are giving them or something?

They're not panda corys, but just fyi my albino bronze corys love basic flake food. They go nuts when I drop some in the tank.
I dont think they're picky eaters so what ever you feed the rest of your fish they'll find on the bottom and eat.
Hi tinytayor :)

C. panda, like other corydoras catfish, need a varied diet that is high on protein. A good quality flake can be the basis of their diet. I like Ocean Nutrition's Brine Shrimp Plus Flakes. The label states that it is 50% protein. This is not a brand you can find in a supermarket; you need to get it at a good lfs. Other fish will like it as well. I also vary their diet by giving them Hikari Sinking Wafers.

In addition, they need some meat in their diet. This can be frozen bloodworms, or live blackworms. Tubifex worms are also a possibility, but blackworms are better. If you get them, you will need to learn to clean and store live food, so ask about it in the Corydoras or Tropical Discussion section please.

Some of my pandas:
In my experiance they eat most things,

Sinking sticks
Flakes of all kinds
and have had them eat peas
I agree with Inchworm on this one. High protein, think of it as meaty, foods are better for most cories. Leave the algae wafers for the plecos instead. Almost any cory does best with a high protein diet rather than the empty calories of grainy foods. Food intended for tetras would work well for them.
I know that Harlequins (big Panda fan) rates granuels over pellets.

I have Pellets and my Pygmy Cories don't even touch them........the Platys however do :grr:

Getting some granuels soon.

Ps Pygmys are eating peas as we speak! :D
Any fish will eat almost any food. Any kids will eat candy too. Not all foods are good for all fish. Each fish has a balance that is best for them and not all fish need the same blend of nutrients. I keep lots of fish that are almost completely vegetarian in their nutritional needs but they eagerly eat live black worms or any of the meaty frozen foods. What saves them from inappropriate nutrition is that I feed them the right foods most of the time and don't rely on their appetite to decide what to feed.
Are they not eating what you are giving them or something?

They're not panda corys, but just fyi my albino bronze corys love basic flake food. They go nuts when I drop some in the tank.

it doesnt look like theyre eating them. i put shrimp pellets in, and bottom feeder wafers

In my experiance they eat most things,

Sinking sticks
Flakes of all kinds
and have had them eat peas

ill try the peas. do i have to like do anything to the peas?
I cook them squeeze them out their shells and chop them up really small. I think some people don't chop though.
Keep in mind that uneaten food on the bottom will lead to harmful conditions for the corys. Please be sure to vacuum it up as soon as possible. Vegetables provide little of the nutrients that corys require.
Keep in mind that uneaten food on the bottom will lead to harmful conditions for the corys. Please be sure to vacuum it up as soon as possible. Vegetables provide little of the nutrients that corys require.

ok thank you

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