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  1. 56jman

    Bigtuna's Ocean In A Wall

    Nice fish cave 8-)
  2. 56jman

    35G Saltwater Reef Journal

    Sounds good :good: The same thing happened to me with my porcelain crab :lol: It's hard to see you list in the pic take a close up pic of each section.
  3. 56jman

    35G Saltwater Reef Journal

    Fish that I found: Any firefish Scissortail Dartfish- gets a little big 5 1/2" Zebra Barred Dartfish Splended/Orchid dottyback Cherub angel Coral beauty Flame angel Royal gramma Black cap/ Gold assessor basslet All of these fish stay relatively small, are reef safe, colorful, and pretty easy...
  4. 56jman

    35G Saltwater Reef Journal

    You're welcome. The corals you listed are softies and don't have very high lighing requirements, softie is a given (no calcified shell), LPS=Large polyp stony (i.e.hammer, torch, acans), SPS= Small polyp stony(i.e. branching or encrusting, acropora, montipora) Good idea with the snails, I will...
  5. 56jman

    Bigtuna's Ocean In A Wall

    Go for it...... get 2 :shifty:
  6. 56jman

    My Puddle

    I have to disagree, they eat all the good microfauna in the SB, get big too :crazy:
  7. 56jman

    35G Saltwater Reef Journal

    Fact: Those lights will be fine for softies and some LPS but if you want to get into SPS you may need your other halide. Opinion: The polyps on that site look great :drool: Opinion: Later you may want to get more snails for the 35, check out nerite snails :good: Opinion: Your fish list looks...
  8. 56jman

    35G Saltwater Reef Journal

    :good: What lighting do you have??? Zoas and toadstool leathers are awesome. Almost all anemones that clowns host get to big for nano tanks (12" diameter and they kill your corals while moving) so it's prob not a great idea to get an anemone. As for the fish, wow, it's alot, 8. I'd say too...
  9. 56jman

    Tyler's 90Gallon Reef Project

    Is anything interesting happening :huh:
  10. 56jman

    My Puddle

    Oh-well..... :lol:
  11. 56jman

    Bigtuna's Ocean In A Wall

    I love clowns :wub: That's a nice one :good: get a sebae anemone for it, they're big and pretty :drool:
  12. 56jman

    Llj's 8G... Yuma/zoanthid Garden

    But you have eagle eye zoas and they have huge stalks :huh: Btw, Coraffix looks awesome, have you used the putty or just adhesive? Does it work well? Thanks once again for your dedication to the forum :good:
  13. 56jman

    35G Saltwater Reef Journal

    Ok, feed him well so he doesn't decide to have shrimp or snails on the menu :good: I saw baby emeralds at the LFS the size of a dime, looks can be deciving :look: They are still great additions to any appropriate sized tank Good job :good:
  14. 56jman

    35G Saltwater Reef Journal

    I would put the emerald in the 35g, they get 3", they are recommended 1 per 25g, your desision. Also, with the sally crab, I have heard many stories of them being not reef-safe and killing corals and inverts. Mayber some more snails in the 35g after the tank has matured more Keep it up :good:
  15. 56jman

    New Salty: My 29

    Thanks guys :good: It is an Odyssea 4x24w T5 for $75 on eBay from topdogsellers I will research maxi-minis and percs, thanks Donya I will be going to the LFS and thinking about Cyclopeeze for the zoas, gsp and future corals. Any other foods you guys use or recommend instead of Cyclopeeze...
  16. 56jman

    Tyler's 29Gal. Tank Project!

    Uh-oh, hope it's not, good luck with that :good: Hope I don't have to face ich soon :crazy: Pic to help identify
  17. 56jman

    Llj's 8G... Yuma/zoanthid Garden

    I have two questions, how do you get the palys and zoos to extend the stalk of the polyp, they look like trees??? And do you dose or feed anything special??? Can you tell us what you feed and dose??? The tanks is sooooo colorful, mesmerized by its beauty, looks like a natural reef, corals...
  18. 56jman

    New Salty: My 29

    2400 views.... wow.... :blink:
  19. 56jman

    Llj's 36G Corner Bowfront... Out Of The Ashes...

    Good to hear the NPS corals are doing alright :good:
  20. 56jman

    New Salty: My 29

    Picture update I was going to do but deleted, let's see if I can remember what I wrote :crazy: Ok..... Look at what came today from Mr. UPS man.... :shifty: Out of the box with moon Leds, nice quality but a little bright Full power, makes the rest of the room dark, has about 5x as much...
  21. 56jman

    Crazyforcordoras' Journal

    Want one of those too :good: They like anemones??? :huh:
  22. 56jman

    Crazyforcordoras 1St Reef Tank!

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Poor captive bred Nemo :sad: :lol:
  23. 56jman

    Crazyforcordoras' Journal

    Sounds good :) I want to add a group of sexies to my 29g :good:
  24. 56jman


  25. 56jman

    New Salty: My 29

    Just accidentally deleted my 20 pic update I will do it later, I'm frustrated :angry:
  26. 56jman


    Thanks for clearing it up with science. :good: I am great at science and math but am just in 8th grade :lol:
  27. 56jman

    Crazyforcordoras 1St Reef Tank!

    Why didn't you let him host it?
  28. 56jman

    Crazyforcordoras' Journal

    OMG!! Get a jawfish! So pretty and interesting to watch. + I thought you didn't want a pistol/goby pair anymore. But if you have the pistol in this tank I recommend against a jawfish or other burrower as I was told many times by many people(LLJ) :lol: No blame LLJ :good: With your other...
  29. 56jman


    Thanks LLJ! You're so generous :hey: I will tell you when the fuge is up and running. It may be an aquaclear 70/110 or a true HOB fuge. Also maybe in-tank from Dr. F+S. How does that work LLJ? Is it built well? Big eye-sore? Thanks everyone :good: I just heard about 3 things with caulerpa, it...
  30. 56jman


    Might be adding a HOB refugium to my 29g and was wondering if I should do caulerpa. Prob Grape or Prolifica. I know LLj and Donya have faced them going sexual but how to combat this or just use cheato instead?
  31. 56jman

    How Hard Is It To Keep

    You could start one up you just need some $$$ on hand. You could fit 3-5, 1"-4" fish in there. Maybe a clownfish, goby or two and some other small compatible fish of your choice. Research into cycling and Live rock first along w/ bio filtration to start out then post what you've learned...
  32. 56jman

    Crazyforcordoras 1St Reef Tank!

    I love the LPSs that have long swaying tentacles, majestic, and mesmerizing :blink:
  33. 56jman

    Crazyforcordoras 1St Reef Tank!

    All those critters gone :sad: At least you got more things but I think you got wayyyyy ripped off w/ only $30 credit :sly:
  34. 56jman

    New Salty: My 29

    Haven't hear of them, will look into it. I've been looking at AquaSD,good prices as well :good: Btw what happened to maroon clowns? You threw them out :whistle: *don't mind the clowns* :whistle: Now it's pep shrimp??? :lol: Donya, what about just a Maxi Mini, will a percula host it?
  35. 56jman

    New Salty: My 29

    Went to the LFS to pick up some Mysis and Pellets for the fish and picked up a GSP frag for $5. I have gotten all of my frags from him for $5 Five dollar frags..... FRAGTASTIC :yahoo: Light is coming tomorrow, pics when on the tank.
  36. 56jman

    Tyler's 90Gallon Reef Project

    I am referring to I wouldn't be in the mob :lol:
  37. 56jman

    Tyler's 90Gallon Reef Project

    I wouldn't I haven't had an aglae problem in my 10g FW for 9 months until now. :crazy:
  38. 56jman

    New Salty: My 29

    B-day's in October hmmmmm.... :lol: You're right, it's a long time, I hope my tank lasts that long :)
  39. 56jman

    New Salty: My 29

    Will be upgrading to 30-3w leds DIY from Rapid Led, enough? And maybe just 1 cleaner shrimp, good? Also this stuff will be added after 1-2 years to let you know. Not enough $$$ to support a big purchase like that :lol: