Crazyforcordoras' Journal


Mar 1, 2011
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Hi All!

Decided to start a journal for my invert only tank. No corals in this one, just inverts and my fish. It will eventually become a clownfish breeding tank.

Current stock

Pair of Mocha Ocellaris Clowns
1 Falcos hawkfish (moved him from my reef due to shrimp eating problem)
1 Electric Blue hermit
2 Sand sifting sea cukes (atlantic and carribean)
1 shortspine urchin
1 rock anemone

Will be updating soon!
Last I checked mocha clowns and hawkfish weren't inverts. ;)
They are the only exceptions, as i said no corals in this one, just inverts and my fish. :good:
Got some new inverts!
3 peppermint shrimp
1 TINY porcelain crab
1 zebra hermit crab

Heres a pic of them acclimating
Porcelains are awesome :D When the molt the molt looks like it's dead so don't assume it's dead :p
Ive decided on my part of my future stock.

2x Pom Pom Crabs
3x Bumlebee Shrimp
5x Peppermint Shrimp
1x Rock Anemone
1x Maxi Mini Anemone
6x Sexy Shrimp (For the anemone)
1x Candy Cane Pistol Shrimp with Yasha Haze goby ( the tank has a 2-3 inch sand bed, how could i not :lol: )
2x Porcelain Crab
1x Shortspine Urchin
2x Sea Cucumbers

I was also thinking a Pearly Jawfish instead of goby/pistol. Do you guys think it could work?
OMG!! Get a jawfish! So pretty and interesting to watch. + I thought you didn't want a pistol/goby pair anymore. But if you have the pistol in this tank I recommend against a jawfish or other burrower as I was told many times by many people(LLJ) :lol:

No blame LLJ :good:

With your other stock, Thats alot of shrimp for a 10g, I wanted less than that in a 29g and people said it was a bit much so how about 3 peps, 2 bumbs, 4 sexies. Maxi minis can get 5in across so do you have the room? Urchins get a bit big. Most of it is a space issue.

I never knew sexies resided within anemones :huh:
No, no, no and no. Having worked with a blue-spotted jawfish in a smaller system, I really don't advise putting a jawfish in anything smaller than a 20g. They're accomplished jumpers and extremely fast swimmers and while he died when a coral fell on him, part of me thinks that he was the one who disturbed the birdsnest in the first place, by jumping excessively.

My 36g, however, is a deep tank at 21". The mated pair of jawfish, IMO, felt secure enough that they really never attempted to jump the tank.

For your size tank, stick with gobies like yashas and high fins, or slower moving gobies like YWG.
K, no jawfish. But a goby pistol will go in. And thanks Jman, i will stock less shrimp. I dont even think ill do bumblebees. Just stick with Peps and Sexies. They say sexies do better in big groups, so instead of 2 Bumbles, ill do 6 sexies.
Sounds good :) I want to add a group of sexies to my 29g :good:
Cool, i heard they do best with a maxi mini nem or something like that.
Want one of those too :good: They like anemones??? :huh:

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