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  1. A

    hamster babies!!

    cool thanks
  2. A


    here is the mommy she was over eating when i took that picture. she doesnt cover them up no more when she leaves. they are adorable... but im still worried about the runt... i dont have a good pic yet of the daddy.. he is always sleeping haha but i will see if i can get one tonight!!! keep...
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    hamster babies!!

    awww!!!!!! i am so flattered!!!!!! thanks guys!!!! :D she is one in a million. she was just as fluffy when we got her. a lady that used to go into my mothers restaurant, her cat had kittens and they wanted to get rid of them. free. yup, she could fit in the palm of my hand.. awesomely cute...
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    the baby hamsters that i have are 2 weeks old today. tonight i realized there is a runt. he is really really much smaller than the others. the mom doesnt notice when he leaves the nest. when she does she brings him back. he has a bit of a bite mark on his tail that mom tends to lick every now...
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    hamster babies!!

    thanks if i do breed her, it will eb once more maybe... but not for quite some time. im just concerned bout the baby runt right now.. :-(
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    hamster babies!!

    thats cute! the babies are doing great. i noticed tonight that there is a runt.. and we are quite worried about him. he leaves the nest and mommy doesnt even realize. my boyfriend has put him back to the nest a few times with a spoon. he has a bite mark on his tail...that isn't bothering me too...
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    posting pictures

    yah for sure shes a doll though we love her to death. she'll be 2 in august. had her since 6 weeks. she could fit in the palm of my hand.. now you almost need a forklift to carry her around hahaha j/k love her to death!! shes my baby!! shes indoors too so im not worried!! :)
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    Latest Editions...

    cool, sounds pretty
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    posting pictures

    aww thanks! she is a sweetheart!! all 15 pounds of her!! she is just like a little puppy!! "wanna go to bed?" and shes in your room in two seconds. she likes to play with lazor lights. she knows "treats". ask her "where are the birds abby?" and shes at the window!! its amazing!! she shakes...
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    posting pictures

    i got it all figured out :) thanks bunches!!
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    Latest Editions...

    well it is day 25 of the fish tank! 10 gallon! going great! water test results are great! first added was the three original... silver molly (confused), sunset platy (pluto) - just recently passed on.... mickey mouse platy (Mickey). Then added was two black neon tetras and 1 neon tetra. Then...
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    hamster babies!!

    12 days old (this was last night!!!!) soooo cute!!!! this is mommy!! this is them in a bundle..i still dont' have a final count escaped!!! at last! ohhh.. i can't see yet!!!! mommy going to getting one at a time... she gets one back in the nest, and another leaves!!! how does she...
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    posting pictures

    testing 123......... ok so i got the picture to show up on here, thast cool to know!! but it was too big so i toko it off. ok i will post another thread about my tanks and see what happens from there.. thanks a lot everything i...
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    posting pictures

    sometimes i can have the ability to post a picture to my topic, but when i make a new post i can't ... there is no where that says "browse for file here" or add a pictures....................... how come??? I have new tank pictures that i want to show off and it wont let me :no:
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    hamster babies!!

    thanks a lot!! :D
  16. A

    hamster babies!!

    one more pic of the baby that escaped the nest for the first time............ ain't he soooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
  17. alon1.jpg


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    hamster babies!!

    heres one with mommy in the pic...
  19. babiesmom1.jpg


  20. A

    hamster babies!!

    babies!!!!!!!! they have ears, almost have their full eyes, they are getting pretty dark and getting thin hair!!!!!!!! ANDDDDDDD one went off by himself!!! within 30-45 seconds, mommy was over to bring him back to the nest!!!!!!!!! have a look!!
  21. alone1.jpg


  22. A

    hamster babies!!

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    Test Kits

    my kit with high ph, low ph, ammonia, nitrItes, gh and kh was only 29.88 plus tax. was on sale from just 34.99 not too bad if you ask me for all that stuff
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    hamster babies!!

    aww thanks!! yeah they are adorable!! i didnt see them yesterday, as i have mentoined that they are being kept at my boyfriends house. (my nosey kitty cat) but when we separate the babies into boy/girl groups in different areas (we are going to use his roommates old 5 gallon tank and my old 3...
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    cloudy, high nitrite!!!

    yup still doing the changes. i did about a 25% yesterdya. i haven't tested yet and im going to do another water change sometime today and then maybe test tomorrow. and yeah i'll have to buy another kit that has a test for nitrAtes because my master kit didn't come with that. i never went through...
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    hamster babies!!

    i have never fed my hamsters grass before? im scared of chemicals being on them. my parents are 100% gardeners. I think i'll stick to the veggies fruits and hammy food! :) it working great yes the fuzz is so cute! i have yet to get a good pic of them with dark fuzz on them... and i think i seen...
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    Test Kits

    i never had a test kit.. but i was going to the LFS evry other day and i think they were getting tired of seeing me. i bought my own kit, i'm in canada... it has high and low range pH kh gh ammonia and nitrite i dont yet have a test for nitrAtes.. as to not sure where to find one. but they...
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    cloudy, high nitrite!!!

    alrighty lotsa questions here to answer hopelesswfish - my betta died. within 48 hours. he had a huge white puffy cloudy fungus take over his body. i couldnt' even look at him. anyway i took his body back to the pet store today and they owe me one. i didnt want one just yet, and they only had...
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    cloudy, high nitrite!!!

    hi woke up this morning, couldnt find my sunset platy. he was stuck or dying, not sure which, underneath an ornament i have in my tank. anyway we lifted it up and he came floating out. he wasn't swimming and couldnt get off the rocks. i left and went to buy some aqua plus and cycle.. came home...
  30. A

    hamster babies!!

    hey! my hamster babies have got dark fuzz growing on their backs and they have got ears now!!!!!!!! oh my gawd they are adorable!!! i couldn't get a good pic just yet but i have it all on video tape it is soooooooooooo cute. ic an't wait to show the pics off to you guys!!! just had to splurge...
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    cloudy, high nitrite!!!

    i did another 25% change today but i couldn't do anymore because i ran out of aquaplus to rid the chlorine. when i open the top of my tank i can still smell the med that i put in last night. my platy is still swimming weird sometimes but i have a feeling he might just be showing off cause he has...
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    thanks.. im bringing him to the LFS tomorrow and bringing back the melafix. im going to keep the betta food cause i do plan on getting another one. my nitrite is starting to go down a bit so im going to hold off just incase :(
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    R.I.P. Betta . . .
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    cloudy, high nitrite!!!

    yeah my two changes today were... well one was about 2pm and the second was about midnight tonight.. so there was quite sometime... i'll keep u posted though and let u know my results tomorrow. i havent tested today so iw ill tomorrow
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    on my way to work i bought metafix .. or melafix i can't remember if its a L or T.. went to work, came home and my parents had put my betta in my 3 gallon tank. he looks awful - he's probably a couple hours short of death. it seriously looks like the white cloudy puffy stuff has taken over, and...
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    cloudy, high nitrite!!!

    i will post my test results tomorrow. i did the big 50% change today. but i had to do it twice. i did it this morning. i noticed taht my betta was getting some sort of fungus, when i came home tonight my parents had put him in my 3 gallon tank cause he was lookin pretty bad. i put melafix, that...
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    since i dont have my other tank up and running, should i just put the betta in some sort of clean jar? with old tank water? what do you mean by invertebrates? i am on my way to work for the rest of the evening now so i can't do this til later tonight. im making a pitstop at the LFS to see if...
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    will this harm my other fish? do i put the med in the tank with my other fish in there??? i hope my LPS has something to help so i can get it in right after i get home tonight
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    nope just puffy and white couple blotches on his body and around his gills.. by reading some of the websites it sounds like fungus and that it can be treated? but how.. errr my personal picture on my profile i put the pic of the betta on it but you can't see anything wrong in that pic... i...
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    nope, doesnt look like ich.. its sorta puffy and cloudy.. not like "salt" i took a few pics but nothing shows up good enough in this pic. hmmm it wont let me add a pic to this post???