Search results

  1. S

    Combtail Gourami

    it took me about 3 weeks to find out wat they were, when i bought the tank they were already in it an woman i bought it from didn't know wat they were either. i do agree the do look similar to paradise fish but searched on google for combtail and thats how i found out wat they were. i had not...
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    Combtail Gourami

    :good: 3 loverly fish
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    Finally Identified My Mystery Fish

    :D after may weeks of searching i identified it :good: some body did suggest one simalar, but i found a match i think take a look combtail gourami let me know wat u reacon ?? please at least now i know wat its called i can try to rehome them as i have 3, if any body would like them let me know???
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    Power Surges?

    hi m8 are yours quite frequent as having one then straight away another, i'm getting a little worryed :-( theirs alot of water in that tank lol Hi is a Aqua-pro 3 should it be ok? an also would i benifit from a surge protector?
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    Power Surges?

    :huh: bit concerned regarding my external filter as had about 4 quite bad power surges in the last hour, as first time using external filter, if the surge is bad enough to stop my filter, (as at min power flicking off then on again,)will i end up with water every where or will it stay in pipes...
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    Overheating Or Not?

    i know my heater shouldn't heat the water if its at temp but one that came with the tank when i bought it kept over heating, so bought a new one, but did the same so i unplugged it about 3 - 4 weeks ago ish an not even needed it, it might just be that the temp in the room is high, hubby's...
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    Overheating Or Not?

    not sure of temp in room hubby keeps saying prob good idea to get a thermometer in the room? an yes i do have another glass one one an swopped and made no difference? hubby says that poss that the temp in middle is different but if this is the case its not good?
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    Overheating Or Not?

    :/ i have a digital thermometer on my 350ltr with the sensor half way down pointing to the middle of the tank, but also have a glass thermometer stuck to the glass. Now the thing is my digital one keeps reading 26oC an above its now reading ajust above 28oC, but my glass one is reading 25oC -...
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    Hi Thought I'd Post Up Pics Of My Tanks?

    :P to you to lol thanks ever so much
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    Hi Thought I'd Post Up Pics Of My Tanks?

    Hey neal you were right i put one of my bristlenose in there on saturday, its now monday night an the back wall is nearly clear, wow :blush: plus i took all the rocks out an scrubbed an scrubbed, to get as much of off as i could an it dosn't seem to be growing back so quickly, an my plants are...
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    Whats This On My Angel

    only just noticed that my angel fish that i had fo r about 4 - 5 years has got some reddening at the base of its dorsel fin, could this be age or infection? took couple of pics but not very good? -_-
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    Hi Thought I'd Post Up Pics Of My Tanks?

    :no: no eels in there if you mean fish at back laying on side thats a orange finned loach? i think :huh:
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    Fish Behaviour

    many thanks for your help i popped up to see my lfs today an he did suggest that its possibly my nitrates which are causing them to flick an rest on bottom as my nitrates are up as high as 100 this is not due to maintence as i change 25% every sunday religiously, as i do my other tank too! also...
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    Hi Thought I'd Post Up Pics Of My Tanks?

    did have plecs in their b4 an they didn't touch the alge as it hair alge i think? or some sort?!? Plus as theirs quite alot of plants, an how they go round they'l pull plants up an they quite thin!! Think plants will be coming out soon, as they look like dying?!? Wat are ells not sure i know...
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    Help Wat Are These Fish?

    anyone i really need to know!!! :D :wub:
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    Fish Behaviour

    hi checked them over theirs nothing actually on the fish that i can see, they were actually flicking before i did water change?
  18. S

    Fish Behaviour

    Request Help :-( Tank size: trigon 350 pH: 7.2 ammonia:0 nitrite:0 nitrate:up quite high kH: gH: tank temp: 25 c Fish Symptoms: recently tested my water an noticed that my nitrates were considberly high for some reason? did 10% water change fish seemed to be ok for a while? then couple of...
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    Hi Thought I'd Post Up Pics Of My Tanks?

    hi neal the plant thats in the first tank was actually mean't for the other tank but it was too tall? lol, don't think it will survive long as lights not bright enough lol, only put it in there just b4 taking pic. was planning osetting my tank up for a pair of oscars but when i bought it didn't...
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    Hi Thought I'd Post Up Pics Of My Tanks?

    Here's tank number one 350ltr fish at min are 3 bristlenose plecs, 2 other plecs can't remember name (i know too many for tank but i bought the tank not realising it had 3 plecs in already an i had 2 lol) 2 orange finned loaches, 3 fish which not sure of see one of my other posts,(came with the...
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    Help Wat Are These Fish?

    colour looks simalar but fin shape is completly different, any more for any more? lol
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    Help Wat Are These Fish?

    :huh: hope these a bit better?
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    Anyone Watch Prehistoric Park?

    my son loves this program an he's only 4! i bet he could name more dino's than me an alot of us put together lol he knows loads an got loads of books about them! i should know i'm the one that has try an pronounce them lol belive me some of them are not easy lol? he not like me in one ear out...
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  29. S

    Help Wat Are These Fish?

    I bought a tank recently and it came with 3 fish, they look a bit like gourami? thier a red/brown colour about 3"- 4" long and they seem to bully each other, i want to ask my lfs if they'l take them off me or anyone who wants them but could do with knowing wat they are first lol slight prob...
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    Hi To All!

    :good: Hi everyone joined up a few weeks ago thought it bout time i posted! I have 2 tropical tanks one planted 4ft 220ltr an 1 350ltr which is currently not planted. been keeping fish for afew years, an leaning something new nearly everyday Stil!