Hi Thought I'd Post Up Pics Of My Tanks?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 2, 2006
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Lincoln UK
Here's tank number one 350ltr fish at min are 3 bristlenose plecs, 2 other plecs can't remember name (i know too many for tank but i bought the tank not realising it had 3 plecs in already an i had 2 lol) 2 orange finned loaches, 3 fish which not sure of see one of my other posts,(came with the tank when i bought it an woman i bought it off couldn't remember wat they were lol) 2 jewel cichlids. any comments welcome!

An heres tank number 2, 220 ltr which at min is planted don't see it staying planted for long as plants struggling lol. in here i have 6 various cory's 3 yo-yo loaches that well live up to their name an drive me crazy while trying to watch tv,(round an round an round lol) 3 clown loaches, was 4 but one died due to white spot which was caused by me i think putin anti hair alge stuff in tank, :blush: 2 small angel fish an 1 large angel fish (which i've owned for about 5 years!!! which i'm very proud of!!!) Any comments welcome


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ok i will leave the first comment out of 15 people.welcome to the forums stu :good: i really like the looks of your tanks m8 nice n natural looking :good:
Her name is actually Donna, read her signature. :lol:
Nice tanks, maybe you should add some big amazon swords into your first tank, as the right side looks very small and dark, and they will brighten it up, looking quite nice. What is the thing behind the plants in the second tank? Is it just a background?
PS - Good to see you took my advice and put pictures up!

Neal ;)
Her name is actually Donna, read her signature. :lol:
Nice tanks, maybe you should add some big amazon swords into your first tank, as the right side looks very small and dark, and they will brighten it up, looking quite nice. What is the thing behind the plants in the second tank? Is it just a background?
PS - Good to see you took my advice and put pictures up!

Neal ;)

hi neal the plant thats in the first tank was actually mean't for the other tank but it was too tall? lol, don't think it will survive long as lights not bright enough lol, only put it in there just b4 taking pic. was planning osetting my tank up for a pair of oscars but when i bought it didn't realise there was fish already in it, so not sure wat to do at min, did order my oscars but thinkin twice at min if i really want them? not sure i've ever come across amazon swords, wat are they like?
Which bit do you mean behind the plants, as have juwel background, an then theirs loads of rocks against that, which are covered in hair alge, which i can't get rid of, think its actually some other type of alge as its destroying my plants an taking over my tank lol!!! :shout:
The plant you have in your first tank is an amazon sword, or so it looks like. They are hardy plants, and don't require much light. People will tell you that you need atleast 1WPG to keep plants alive, in my experience with two tanks, this has not been the case at all! Aslong as they get light, they will live. Yes, I was wondering about the rocks behind the plants, couldn't work out what they were. Put 1 or 2 of your bristlenose into your second tank, they will keep the algae down for you. :good:

did have plecs in their b4 an they didn't touch the alge as it hair alge i think? or some sort?!? Plus as theirs quite alot of plants, an how they go round they'l pull plants up an they quite thin!! Think plants will be coming out soon, as they look like dying?!?

sweet angels love the tank. you have ells in there right?
Wat are ells not sure i know which fish u on about?? :/
im sorry like tire track ell, dino ell. things like that they get big but are cool to have :shifty:
:no: no eels in there if you mean fish at back laying on side thats a orange finned loach? i think :huh:
You have a lovely tank there Donna :good: And love your pearl scale Angel :wub:
Put 1 or 2 of your bristlenose into your second tank, they will keep the algae down for you. :good:

Hey neal you were right i put one of my bristlenose in there on saturday, its now monday night an the back wall is nearly clear, wow :blush: plus i took all the rocks out an scrubbed an scrubbed, to get as much of off as i could an it dosn't seem to be growing back so quickly, an my plants are GROWING yay i might be able to win the battle yet lol :hyper:

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