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    I Dont Look Like Sid Owen

    Better than looking like Sid James. ;)
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    Too Much Light?

    Yep, good call. I don't want to be overrun right from the word go. :lol: Aye, it's good to have a split system, especially if you use actinics.
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    Too Much Light?

    That's another option. There's plenty of flexibility in the event of their being too much light anyway. We'll see how it goes. :good:
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    Too Much Light?

    The unit i have is split into two ballasts, i.e. two tubes on one switch and two on another, so theoretically i could run the unit using just two tubes and leave the others turned off. I'll do some more reading and see what will work best. Thanks. B-)
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    What Os?

    Xp. I've never had a problem with it. 8-) When we bought our laptop a couple of years ago we were given a free Vista upgrade but i never installed it. It was a first release, which i didn't want to be having problems with, especially when XP runs fine. B-)
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    Too Much Light?

    Aye, i read about the greater demand for CO2 if the wattage is higher. Tropical Plant Nutrition+ looks good, too. I've been looking on the PFK website and it's had good reviews. Thanks for your help. :)
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    Too Much Light?

    I plan on setting up a new planted aquarium using my overtank luminaire, which was previously used on my marine tank. The unit holds 4 x 39w T5 tubes and the tank is roughly 40 gallons, working out at just under 4 watts per gallon. Is this too high? I've a feeling it won't be a problem but i...
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    What Do You Do With Dead Fish?

    I used to flush them down the toilet when i was younger, but these days i can't bring myself to do it; i feel mean. :/ Now i bury them in the back garden.
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    High Temp In Office On Weekends

    Is it an open top tank? If it is you could try a little clip-on fan across the surface. The only downside to this is the increase in evaporation.
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    Hello. I've kept marines for quite a few years but money and time (mostly money :lol: ) have led me to call it a day. Instead i'll probably go back to freshwater tropicals. Just thought i'd say hello; i'll loiter for a while now. ;)