Too Much Light?

Aqua Duck

New Member
Aug 10, 2008
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United Kingdom
I plan on setting up a new planted aquarium using my overtank luminaire, which was previously used on my marine tank. The unit holds 4 x 39w T5 tubes and the tank is roughly 40 gallons, working out at just under 4 watts per gallon. Is this too high? I've a feeling it won't be a problem but i thought i'd check anyway. :)
its ok but you need CO2 (pressurized) and to dose micro's & macro's. TPN+ or Estimative Index.

More light = More CO2 & nutrients.
Aye, i read about the greater demand for CO2 if the wattage is higher. Tropical Plant Nutrition+ looks good, too. I've been looking on the PFK website and it's had good reviews.

Thanks for your help. :)
I plan on setting up a new planted aquarium using my overtank luminaire, which was previously used on my marine tank. The unit holds 4 x 39w T5 tubes and the tank is roughly 40 gallons, working out at just under 4 watts per gallon. Is this too high? I've a feeling it won't be a problem but i thought i'd check anyway. :)

Honestly, I think it's overkill, unless you really want to grow light-demanding species (Toninas, Eglerias, Nesaeas, etc), or sit down on a chair and literally watch plants grow, or you feel that you must spend the better part of your life pruning. You can grow most of what's commonly available and used in the trade with 2 tubes, pressurized CO2, and a good fert regimen. Especially with T5s.

Just my opinion,

The unit i have is split into two ballasts, i.e. two tubes on one switch and two on another, so theoretically i could run the unit using just two tubes and leave the others turned off.

I'll do some more reading and see what will work best.

Thanks. B-)
Why not have two tubes on for the ten hour photoperiod, with a two hour midday burst of all four. This would keep all your plants happy.

That's another option. There's plenty of flexibility in the event of their being too much light anyway.

We'll see how it goes. :good:
The unit i have is split into two ballasts, i.e. two tubes on one switch and two on another, so theoretically i could run the unit using just two tubes and leave the others turned off.

I'll do some more reading and see what will work best.

Thanks. B-)

The lighting in my 36g runs the same way, which is nice, and allows me great flexibility.

if oyu are planning on changing, better to start off with the first 2 tubes - less room for error!

Yep, good call. I don't want to be overrun right from the word go. :lol:

The unit i have is split into two ballasts, i.e. two tubes on one switch and two on another, so theoretically i could run the unit using just two tubes and leave the others turned off.

I'll do some more reading and see what will work best.

Thanks. B-)

The lighting in my 36g runs the same way, which is nice, and allows me great flexibility.


Aye, it's good to have a split system, especially if you use actinics.

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