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  1. C

    Levels Seem To Be Getting Straight Now

    We did have 3 mollys, and 5 tetras, but the others died :( Just shows the problems with not reading up before you start your tank I guess :blush: Our nitrite was 0.25 about 2 days ago. Not sure why it shifted like it has.
  2. C

    Levels Seem To Be Getting Straight Now

    After weeks of tank cycling (yes with fish, we made that mistake), our water levels seem to be doing ok now. Ammonia - 0 Nitrate - 40 Nitrite - 2 PH - 7 All down to our gravel vac. What a wonderful piece of equipment!! We have no real plants at the mo, cuz I think the high ammonia killed them...
  3. C

    Oh No...

    The filter was making a noise yesterday, so my boyfriend took it apart to have a look, while it was in the tank, so all the crap went into the water :angry: The filter has managed to clear up all the rubbish, and we did a 50% water change, but now the glass is really dirty on the inside. How...
  4. C

    Baby Molly

    The mummy didn't last the night. Came down and found her caught in one of the plants. Am completely gutted :sad: . Why did this happen?
  5. C

    Baby Molly

    The lfs said they were all male, and that was ok. We have 3 of them. I guess we have 2 male and 1 female then :blink:
  6. C

    Baby Molly

    Oh and she is pooing LOADS!
  7. C

    Baby Molly

    Pregnant?? (sorry about her poo :P) Sorry for the blur. We were in the middle of a water change!!
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    Baby Molly

    Will try and post a pic in a minute....I think the mum is still pregnant!
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    I'm A Dad Again

  10. C

    Baby Molly

    Hiya, me again. We just did a water change in the tank, and found a BABY MOLLY. Suprising as we were told they were all males. What do we do with it? Will it get sucked into the filter? It's so small!! Can only see one, so I hope the rest didn't die :unsure:
  11. C


    Brilliant, thanks. Yes we always measure the temp of the buckets before we add that water to the tank :)
  12. C


    We have dechlorinizer, just thought that they say distilled is better,and isnt boiled distilled?
  13. C


    Brilliant, thanks for the advice. Is it ok to use cooled boiled water? As we thought this water maybe better for the fish, than plain tap water?
  14. C


    Thanks very much. We stupidly cycled with fish :unsure:, and are trying to keep the ammonia down. We have a 15 gallon tank with 4 Rummy Nose Tetras 3 black mollys 2 albino catfish 3 Guppys The levels at the mo are PH 7 Nitrite 1 Nitrate 3 Ammonia 2 (desperately trying to get it down...
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    Can someone tell me what (roughly) the levels of chemicals should be in the water PH Nitrite Nitrate Ammonia So I can check them against my daily readings. Thanks :)
  16. C

    4 Out Of 5 Fish Died :(

    Thank you for that. Was reading up on fish all night lol. What about Dwarf Gouramis and Loaches?
  17. C

    4 Out Of 5 Fish Died :(

    Thank you!! I think, in a few weeks, we will go for maybe platys, Guppys, or Danios. I would like something quite hardy. Gupoys maybe cuz I think they dont get as big as the others. Not sure. I like Cherry Barbs, Harlequins and Five Banded barbs, but how big do they get? And do they all like...
  18. C

    4 Out Of 5 Fish Died :(

    Thanks everyone. We went to an Aquatics place today, and they have told us what to do. We bought a brand spanking new filter, a pump (we also now have a frog with bubbles coming from his mouth) some proper plants, and have treated the water with one of those quick cycle liquids (as we have a...
  19. C

    4 Out Of 5 Fish Died :(

    We recently got given a 15 gallon tank. We put in the water (tap water), but put some stuff in it to make it safe for fish. We have 2 filters in there, so lots of air pumping round. Left it a few days. Bought 5 Neon Tetras, and we now only have one left :no: What did we do wrong? And what...