Baby Molly


New Member
Jun 16, 2007
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Hiya, me again.

We just did a water change in the tank, and found a BABY MOLLY.

Suprising as we were told they were all males.

What do we do with it? Will it get sucked into the filter? It's so small!! Can only see one, so I hope the rest didn't die :unsure:
Usually the adults eats the babies. Try to save soem if u like. U must bring another tank to raise the babies in. Preferable a 10 gal tank well planted. Yeah they could be sucked to the filter.
you don't need another tank, if it hasn't already been eaten by the big mollies chances are its safe now, make sure it has some hiding places like plants etc. The filter is a hazard i found my fry liked to hide in the filter which is bad so i put a fine weaved bag/cloth around the filter inlet until they are bigger :) hope he/she survives :)
Will try and post a pic in a minute....I think the mum is still pregnant!
Will try and post a pic in a minute....I think the mum is still pregnant!

Pregnant?? (sorry about her poo :p)


Sorry for the blur. We were in the middle of a water change!!
she still looks pregnant or bunged up, all mollies poo alot they are fairly big waste producers for their size :)

sorry should have said earlier, mollies are best kept in a ratio of 2 females to 1 male or the female will get severely stressed, i just realized you thought they were all male, so you need to look into this issue :)
The lfs said they were all male, and that was ok. We have 3 of them. I guess we have 2 male and 1 female then :blink:
The lfs said they were all male, and that was ok. We have 3 of them. I guess we have 2 male and 1 female then :blink:
i would either get more females or take the female back and get another male, also if keeping males usually 5 is best as it spreads out any aggression they might have
The mummy didn't last the night. Came down and found her caught in one of the plants. Am completely gutted :sad: . Why did this happen?

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