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  1. 1

    Revenge Of The Bristleworms

    Yes Lynden is right. i did mean a neon dottyback. and Lynden was also correct about being a mean little bugger. I added him almost last in my tank because of aggression. he doesnt bother any fish that was in my 55 before him but the any new fish have to undergo a lengthy hazing from him. My...
  2. 1

    Revenge Of The Bristleworms

    i dont know if it is somthing you want to do but springeri, neon, and (dont quote me on this last one but i think) orange peel dottybacks have a personal vendetta on bristle worms. i had an infestation around three months ago. i then got a neon (brightest colors of the three) and now i havent...
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    Pearly Jawfish

    i did a 20 min. temp float followed by every five min. 2 oz of aquarium water for 20 min. he is still alive for a total of 12 days now, still lazy though. every one seems to recomend varied substrate,which i have. i have from sand to crushed argonite. he trys to burrow only in the corners, but...
  4. 1

    Target Feeding A...bristleworm?!?

    i got a neon dottyback for my worm problem. there are at least two other cousins to the neon as well that will not stop untill your worms are gone.
  5. 1

    What Has Happened?

    as far as lighting goes i have a satelllite powercompact W2-65 smartpac bulbs and ive been keeping a rose bubble tip very happy and healthy for about 6 months now. pretty decent price at around $110.00
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    Pearly Jawfish

    i just got a pearly jawfish three days ago. he took a couple of laps around my 55, got nipped by my neon dotty back and then laid down in the corner. he has moved very little since he got to that spot. he eats very very little and his breathing seems normal. he has made half hearted attempts to...