Revenge Of The Bristleworms


Crazy Crab Lady
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Jul 23, 2004
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Northeastern USA
I wasn't sure what section to post this in. My 12g is having more issues than just pH *sigh*. I think I am loosing the bristleworm battle. Chain of events in the last 2 weeks:

- last week I found a hald-eaten nem, and an injured corallimorph, both near the substrate. This was while my CBS had its large arms missing. Both were quite small, but I am pretty certain this was not CBS work as it does not go into the area where this happened.

- my mushroom looks like it got a few small bites taken out of it on the side closest to the substrate. This occured sometime this week but I didn't think much of it since the mushroom is fine otherwise. I wondered if it had gotten injured by my conch landing on it or something, but after today I dont' believe the conch is responsible.

- my tongue coral was attacked today in a short timeframe. I saw some spots of damage on the top near the sides, and was about to bag up the CBS and march it back to the store...except that when I picked the coral up there was a lot more damage on the underside where I know the CBS won't have been able to get at. The damage is fresh and looks like a bunch of little bite-marks that are all the same size and shape. The marks on the top are the same: 2-3mm in diameter and fairly perfectly oval. Same size as the snicks out of the mushroom.

Based on also having seen the tail end of a rather large worm nip into cranneys in the rock and substrate when the lighting is dim (last 2-3 days), I am guessing I have the mother of all bristleworms that just decided to get hungry...which really sucks because I was sure I had the problem nailed :/ I was not putting the other observations together until I saw the tongue coral today. I do not want to rip apart my tank if I can avoid it. I am currently acclimating the coral extreemly slowly with a dripline to my 5g since I know for certain I have nothing mean or nasty in that tank.

First question: is it worth trying the cut & inverted soda bottle trick with bait with something that is probably in the 12"+ size range? This did not work before...but I am out of ideas. Is there some better trap?

Second question: what makes good bait? My prawn meat bait doesn't work anymore, since the remaining worms are the ones that "got away" when I very nearly had them caught using that bait. They didn't fall for it a second time. All the big worms ignore prawn now unless it winds up floating under the rocks.

Other tank info:
- sg 1.025
- temperature 78F
- 0 ammonia/nitrite/nitrate
- pH ~8.4 (mentioned in my pH/macro post as it has been rising)
- kH ~12
- 8 or so wpg lighting

- "cripled" young engineer goby that is around 3-4"
- tongue coral until this evening, now being moved
- 1 mushroom
- white ball corallimorphs and Aiptaiidae nems
- young Strombus conches
- one adult Strombus conch
- starfish...not sure what kind, they just showed up this month.
- 1 hermit crab that has done no wrong thus far
- small CBS to control the bristleworms...which worked until it lost its big arms 2 weeks ago (hmmm...)
- the bristleworms from hell
Anyone know if a bristleworm can create more than one epitoke? After a sudden explosion of epitokes in the tank followed by a distinct lack of scavenging, I'm wondering if my big nasty worm is no more. The CBS ate all the epitokes.

The coral seems to be recovering. There was some initial tissue retraction, but I'm seeing new tissue growth covering the less-damaged areas already.
i dont know if it is somthing you want to do but springeri, neon, and (dont quote me on this last one but i think) orange peel dottybacks have a personal vendetta on bristle worms. i had an infestation around three months ago. i then got a neon (brightest colors of the three) and now i havent seen a worm for around month and a half. i also found my brain coral likes to be hand fed small ones at night when its tnetacles are out. sadistic? yes.
The main problem I encountered with trying to find fish was the need for swimming compatability with my meanie engineer goby and snails. 3" is a tad big for a freeswimming fish in my tank I think. With the exception of the really big one that seems to now be gone, the CBS is doing it's job so hopefully all will return to normal in time.

What are you refering to when you mention "neon" fish? I know of neon damsels, wrasses, and I'm confused.
I think he meant Neon Dottyback. Agression is the reason they can't be added to small tanks - Dottybacks are mean little buggers, almost as mean as damselfish. Also they eat shrimp. So him being beaten up is not a problem!

Neon Dottyback/Psuedochromis

As you will see when reading the page above, beauty has it's price... :crazy:

But they do need tanks of at least 30 gallons. Maybe it's time for an upgrade? :hey:

Ouch! I think I'll stick to my cheap CBS for the moment lol. I'm not that much of a fish-for-looks person. My concern with the goby is the fact that it attacks anything that isn't clearly an invert (the turkey baster, my hand...), and it doesn't give up, so I worry would start a war with another nippy fish and probably loose.

Maybe it's time for an upgrade?

Nah...too much work lol. I know my tanks shouldn't function this way, but my 1 gallon is effectively nill work, the 5 gallon requires some work on the weekends, and my 12's a big mess that I have to wade into each evening :sad: I seem to do smaller better.
I think he meant Neon Dottyback. Agression is the reason they can't be added to small tanks - Dottybacks are mean little buggers, almost as mean as damselfish. Also they eat shrimp. So him being beaten up is not a problem!

Neon Dottyback/Psuedochromis

As you will see when reading the page above, beauty has it's price... :crazy:

But they do need tanks of at least 30 gallons. Maybe it's time for an upgrade? :hey:


Yes Lynden is right. i did mean a neon dottyback. and Lynden was also correct about being a mean little bugger. I added him almost last in my tank because of aggression. he doesnt bother any fish that was in my 55 before him but the any new fish have to undergo a lengthy hazing from him. My petstore guy said to not get a firefish any other psuedos, or grammas. i believe it may in part be the shape of the body on the fire fish which is similar to the neon dottyback/psuedochromis. but i did not know they ate shrimp. learn somthing new everyday
Wow, hey Donya, at first I thought you were kidding about your mammoth bristleworm sightings, but I just saw one in my very own aquarium while feeding. Thing must have been at least 1/4" in diameter and I saw 6 inches of it poking out of the rocks (there was clearly more in hiding). Too bad I couldnt get a pic of it cause I think you'd have been proud ;)

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