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  1. L

    Undergravel filter users

    I'm in the process of setting up a new tank and would like your input on today's powerheads. Which do you all think is the best on the market these days?
  2. L

    what eats craysifh?

    I have no idea. Perhaps a google search might come up with their preferences. Do you mean to let them live in the tank with the fish? I've never done that. I kept the crayfish in a bucket with an airstone and fed them directly to my oscars. I usually bought a dozen at a time and fed them...
  3. L

    Starphire Tanks...?

    ahh cool! I was wondering, I'd done some research on the web but couldn't find much. I guess I got a really good deal then eh? I just bought a 70 gal. Starphire for $51.00 !
  4. L

    Rethinking this convict cichlid

    Cichlids are notoriously territorial and convicts, not matter how "cute", are no exception. I've seen a pair completely take over a 50gallon and push all the other tankmates to one side. No other fish were allowed to MOVE into their space. They then began breeding! Cichlids are wonderful fish...
  5. L

    what eats craysifh?

    I used to feed my breeding pair of Oscars crayfish regularily and they really enjoyed them. Like one other poster said before, you have to be sure they can fit in the fish's mouth. 3-6 inches sounds too large for juvenile though. You have to remember, the fish *will* TRY to eat them, no matter...
  6. L

    Starphire Tanks...?

    Anyone have any input on these tanks? Are they better, or worse than any others?
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    Acrylic or Glass

    Which do you reccomend for a new tank. I'm looking at getting something large, say 100+ gallons. I haven't kept fish for years, but I used to have many tanks, my favorite being the 100 gallon. Easiest to keep, impressive to look at but back then we only had glass aqauariums. How does everyone...
  8. L

    Is he "Special" or Sick?

    It looks almost like epilepsy. Like he has a short circuit in the brain. I should think the greatest fear would be him hitting himself on the rocks and causing some major trauma. Perhaps little white tank? :sick:
  9. L

    1 angry fish

    I've had some success in the past with removing the original fish to another tank for a day or so. This allows the newcomer to "claim" a stake in the tank. Sometimes, not always, when you put the old fish back in (and change the arrangement of the ornaments when he's OUT of the tank) he'll...
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    Black Ghost Knife Dieing

    I *am* sorry to read this. Ghosts are such loves.... I had one that would come to the top of the tank to be petted. You have my sympathies.
  11. L

    Another question..

    Sorry, I had posted all this below and just assumed everyone knew! (how arrogant of me eh?) It's a ten gallon, with one little oranda about 2 inches long. Planted with four plants. I didn't cycle the tank as I had never heard of that before. I have lost six fish over the course of the last...
  12. L

    Another question..

    Yes, and they were nil.
  13. L

    Another question..

    Sorry to go on about this again, but I need guidance. As I said earlier, the nitrite levels this morning were .25. I fed him a *teeny*tiny* bit of flake food, not near enough to sustain him but..... He's still swimming happily, albeit a little sideways, but he doesn't "look" stressed. However...
  14. L

    Still Kickin'!

    Hello everyone: Thanks very much for all the advice in my last post. I wanted to update you and let you all know my little callico oranda is up and looking pretty good this morning! I'm shocked, because I thought he'd be dead for sure. I did a 25% water change like someone here suggested and...
  15. L

    old vet needs new tricks

    Thanks everyone. I'm heartbroken, I know this other fish is going to die, he doesn't look good at all. I'd never even heard of this cycling method before. Guess I was lucky because my tanks were so big that these things never became an issue.
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    old vet needs new tricks

    I had two, now down to one. He's about an inch and a half (maybe 2) long. I know in time I'll need a bigger tank, but this is just silly..... Also, I did a 25% change about 3 days ago. That didn't improve conditions much so I did another change of about 75%.
  17. L

    old vet needs new tricks

    Hello everyone: I'm new to the board but not new to fish keeping. I used to have a 30, 40, 50 and 100 gal. tanks in my apartment back home in Canada. Raised my own Oscars, kept BGK, Demseys and Orandas... did the whole bit. I never ever had a problem with my tanks, (other than the usual little...