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  1. T

    Food Advice

    my danios love frozen brine shrimp, but aren't too big on zucchini or other veges. If you really want them to get some vegetabe matter try algae wafers, the danios always eat it when I throw one in for my american flag fish
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    What fish do you think is underrated?

    overrated: goldfish underrated: american flag fish
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    Injury Or Illness

    Well, its a few days later and everything appears fine. I finally noticed him go to the bathroom and it was normal, perhaps he was really constipated or somehting, or maybe it had to do with his current mating behaviour. Whatever it was, I'm relieved. Thanks Wilder, I didn't have peas but I...
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    Injury Or Illness

    I haven't been able to spot him poo yet, possibly because he isn't eating that much. The fins themselves are not red, just around the anus. Isn't it bad to medicate healthy fish, which is what I'd have to do since I don't have a quaratine tank? What medication would you recommend? Does the...
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    Injury Or Illness

    thanks for the response Wilder No the fish doesn't look skinny or bloated, and I can't see any worms protruding from the anus either I just fed the fish a tiny bit and he came up for food, but not as enthusiastic as usual. I thought it could be constipation, only because he tends to get more...
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    Injury Or Illness

    I'm very worried about one of my zebra danios, he has some redness (no swelling really) in his anal area. He also is not swimming around as much and chasing fish like I'm used to seeing. I did a little research and I'm not sure if its an internal infection like camallanus or something, I'm...
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    Increasing Flow

    Hi, I have a 15 gallon tank with an Aquaclear 30 running as the filter. I would like to increase the flow for the danios and to improve filtration, is a small powerhead appropriate for small tanks?
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    Just Want To Check Compatibility

    Man, I had no idea there are more than one species sold under this name. Are there ways to tell the difference? I go away for a couple weeks and I don't want to come back to dead fish :no:
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    Just Want To Check Compatibility

    I was wondering the same thing so I went out and got four ghost/glass shrimp to see how the danios would react before I spent more $ on other types of shrimp. I got them for only .65 cents compared to $4.99 for cherry shrimp. The danios don't bother them really, maybe the odd peck once in...
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    Small Gash In Danios Back

    woke up this morning and he was stuck to the filter intake :sad: Just last night I thought he was doing a little better so I added another dose of Melafix. The other fish don't mind, I think I was being paranoid. He is still breathing, I sure wish he would just pass I don't have the stomach...
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    Small Gash In Danios Back

    thanks for responding the fish was probably injured when I transferred him along with several other fish (none of which are also sick). I am new to this, did it gentle as possible, but danis are hard to net and I have 7 of them so it was very difficult. In hindsight I could have probably done...
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    Small Gash In Danios Back

    seeing as the danio has only gotten worse, I'm going to stop treatment unless somebody can help me out here. I've researched this stuff more, and I'm noticing some people think its bad. Plus its a carcinogen The other fish reacted funny to the meds, looked stressed and lost some color, it...
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    Small Gash In Danios Back

    the wound is small, but I can see some very small black marks around the area. I also noticd a small "tuft" of white, which I'm now starting to think may be a fungal issue (which I sure hope the Melafix will help). It could be just some of his tissue sticking up, like I said its real small and...
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    Small Gash In Danios Back

    I added a little less thank 5ml but I have a few questions: Is the water bubbling in the filter flow normal with this stuff? It won't effect my biological filter will it? I'm assuming I should continue this for a week like the instructions say? I'm also confused because it says not to do a...
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    Small Gash In Danios Back

    I'll add some Melofix, how much under should I go? The package says 5 ml per 10 gallon, I have a 15 gallon now, maybe stick with the 5ml?
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    Small Gash In Danios Back

    I was wondering what I should do about the small gash in his back. He doesn't seem that injured, just a little calmer than usual. The other fish aren't really picking on him that much. I don't have any other tanks to put hi in, should I add some sort of med to improve healing? How meds affect...
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    Is My Tank Too Low-tech?

    Get more plants! I was hoping somebody else would suggest that :drool: Thanks for all the advice, I will try to keep my existing light setup, try some Flourish, and get a plant or two more. If I decide that I need more light, what kind of canopy and lighting would you suggest? What is in your...
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    Is My Tank Too Low-tech?

    Does the API liquid test tend to underestimate or overestimate nitrates, or both?
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    Is My Tank Too Low-tech?

    do you mean they're rubbish cause they're inaccurate?
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    Is My Tank Too Low-tech?

    sounds good to me :good: Will TPN, Flourish or Easycarbo add any nitrates to my tank and will I notice these in liquid tests?
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    Is My Tank Too Low-tech?

    Here are some stats on the set-up Tank Size: 2 month-old 10 gallon Lighting: single T8 14 watt Hagen Sun-Glo bulb Light Duration: 8 hours per day Plants: lightly planted; anubias nana, java fern, moss ball, and some type of crypt (new) Subtrate: standard small gravel Filtration: Aquaclear 30...
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    Going On Holidays For Two Weeks

    the tank is 10 gallons and I think thats a good idea to top off the water lost to condensation, can't hurt anyway. Perhaps I'll also leave the second week open to a starve week, thats a really good idea. Thanks for all the advice! :good:
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    Going On Holidays For Two Weeks

    all very good points, I'll tell him to feed them every other day a set amount I leave behind. I remeber my parents let my uncle feed the fish when they were gone and he fed them so much the tank was a mess and the fish were all bloated and deformed lol. Now I can relax in Cost Rica knowing my...
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    Going On Holidays For Two Weeks

    I was looking for some advice from fishkeepers who have experience going on short holidays and leaving their tank in other's hands. I have somebody who can come and feed the fish once a day and check up on the hardware and make sure everything is working, but I don't know about the weekly water...
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    Are Snails A Good Or Bad Idea

    I picked up a zebra nerite snail after my tank had cycled and I'm glad I did. It eats lots of algae types IME, and there is no worrying about population explosions since eggs won't hatch in freshwater. Only downside is that it eats slowly.
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    American/florida Flag Fish

    thanks Bigc, I picked up one female yesterday adn she is getting along great with the danios. I don't want them to breed so I think I'll just stick with the one female, perhaps get one more later on. right from the start she strating eating my hair algae, I can't believe how much she has pooed...
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    Fish Ideas

    The info I've found states that glowlights grow up to 1"-1.25", whereas a zebra grows up to 2". They also prefer a well-planted tank, and they certainly like to play amongst the plants in my tank. They are definately more shy though, but I'm a noobie and only have had them for a month or so...
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    Fish Ideas

    no, they're not tetras, but glowlight danios (also sometimes confused with Glo-fish, which of course are genetically modified zebras) more properly known as danio choprae
  29. T

    Fish Ideas

    I also started out with a couple zebra danios to cycle my 10 gallon tank. I dread on this forum that they need more room than a ten gallon, so I slowly added a small school of 5 glowlight danios (which only grow to about an inch, half the size of a zebra danio) after the tank was cycled. They...
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    American/florida Flag Fish

    Saw a few of these the other day and was impressed, what a beautiful algae eater and they kinda remind me of cichlids. Anyways, would one or two of those be compatible with a school of glowlight danios in a ten gallon tank? Should I go for one male, or two females? Thanks!
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    Is My Media Choice Alright

    I am currently using foam on the bottom, then two sets of Biomax (instead of one Biomax and 1 carbon). Is this o.k.? Judging from this forum, people seem to prefer two sponges instead, but I fiugred two Biomax would be better for bacterial growth and possibly increase my potential surface area ...
  32. T

    Glowlight Danios Breeding?

    I think they are probably two males, since they are the same size and both have bright coloration when they were doing this.. On the bright side, I just noticed a few small (less than 1 cm) fry hanging out in the rocks next to the glass!!! I don't know if they are from the zebras or glowlights...
  33. T

    Glowlight Danios Breeding?

    Two of my glowlight danios are acting sort of strange, I think they are breeding but I can't seem to find info on spawning behavior. The fish are almost circling eachother, but with their body turned slightly sideways and also bent looking. It looks like they are dancing almost. Both have more...
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    Help With Green Hair Algae

    sorry, forgot to mention I use a 14 watt sunglo light and leave it on for 10-12 hours a day. I do have lots of windows, but very little direct light. Thanks
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    Help With Green Hair Algae

    Hello, I'm having a little difficulty with hair algae and I'm wondering what steps I should take to rule out specific causes. I have a 10g tank that has recently cycled, 7 weeks old. I have 2 anubias, 1 java fern, and 1 bunch of hygrophylia polysperma(?). That's not alot of plants, but maybe...
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    Trumpet Snail Questions

    my gravel is medium-sized gravel mixed in with larger pea gravel. They seem to be staying close to the surface, I can see two of them so far.
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    Advice On Cycle Please

    the past few days have been 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and 0 nitrate (plants?), even though I switched filters (transferred some media though). I haven't done a water change since Thursday, so I'm thinking it has cycled now. I even started feeding them a little more to see if the ammonia would build...
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    Trumpet Snail Questions

    I just noticed last night I have a couple trumpet snails, which I never thought of buying but I like the idea of these snails. What happens when you vacuum your gravel? Also, I read they're good for sand bottoms because they dig around and circulate it, but are they also good for gravel? Do they...
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    Hairy Algae, What Could Be Causing It

    I'm definately no expert, but it appears that the reason hair algae is growing on your plant is because it is an anubias plant, which is a slow grower and is prone to algae growth on its leaves. I have algae on mine as well.
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    Filter Layers

    So glad this came up since I was wondering too. The packaging recommends that the bottom media is the foam media (mechanical filtration) the middle carbon (chemical) and the top Biomax media (biological). I'm a beginner, but I read somewhere that the carbon is not needed unless removing meds...