American/florida Flag Fish


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2009
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Saw a few of these the other day and was impressed, what a beautiful algae eater and they kinda remind me of cichlids. Anyways, would one or two of those be compatible with a school of glowlight danios in a ten gallon tank? Should I go for one male, or two females? Thanks!
Stocking fully depends if you wish to breed them at some stage. I would go for just one male : one female. They should be fine with the tetras but just be aware that they become a little territorial when spawning/rearing.
thanks Bigc, I picked up one female yesterday adn she is getting along great with the danios. I don't want them to breed so I think I'll just stick with the one female, perhaps get one more later on.

right from the start she strating eating my hair algae, I can't believe how much she has pooed though, so I don't know if another one would be good with my tank size.

Do they do alright as a single specimen with other species? From what I read you can keep one male since they are territorial, and the LFS said it would be ok to have a single female. Please correct me if this is wrong.
I had a male and female pair last year. They killed numerous black skirt tetra, guppy, and platy before I removed them.

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