Small Gash In Danios Back


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2009
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I was wondering what I should do about the small gash in his back. He doesn't seem that injured, just a little calmer than usual. The other fish aren't really picking on him that much.

I don't have any other tanks to put hi in, should I add some sort of med to improve healing? How meds affect ,y healthy fish?

Thanks for oyour help, I hope I can treat this properly. It was probably sustained when I switched tanks (long story), I think I may have done it and feel really bad I was as gentle as possible. Please help.
Does the wound look clean or infected.
I would add some melafix to the tank. But only half dose as not all fish tolerate it to well.
I'll add some Melofix, how much under should I go? The package says 5 ml per 10 gallon, I have a 15 gallon now, maybe stick with the 5ml?
I added a little less thank 5ml but I have a few questions:

Is the water bubbling in the filter flow normal with this stuff?

It won't effect my biological filter will it?

I'm assuming I should continue this for a week like the instructions say?

I'm also confused because it says not to do a water change (24%) until after a week, but I though water changes were good for cuts and illnesses?

After a week should I remove the meds using carbon after the water change? Sorry for all the Q's, I'm a noobie
the wound is small, but I can see some very small black marks around the area. I also noticd a small "tuft" of white, which I'm now starting to think may be a fungal issue (which I sure hope the Melafix will help). It could be just some of his tissue sticking up, like I said its real small and difficult to see good. I feel bad for him, he's not moving much but just hanging under some cover.
seeing as the danio has only gotten worse, I'm going to stop treatment unless somebody can help me out here. I've researched this stuff more, and I'm noticing some people think its bad. Plus its a carcinogen

The other fish reacted funny to the meds, looked stressed and lost some color, it just ain't worth stressing the others out for a fish that doesn't look like it will make it anyway. :unsure:
Do you know hoe he might of done this? Just so you can stop this happening again type thing,

You have to be carefuly that the wound doesnt become infected like its likely to become. It depends on how long and deep the wound is to be truth.

A pic might be able to help a little better
thanks for responding

the fish was probably injured when I transferred him along with several other fish (none of which are also sick). I am new to this, did it gentle as possible, but danis are hard to net and I have 7 of them so it was very difficult. In hindsight I could have probably done some things differently, but it had to be done.

The wound is infected (I'm only assuming it was a wound since the fish only seemed bad after the transfer). There is a fluffy tuft of white stuff, probably fungus or bacterial infection. There is also what looks to be a little bit of black markings, very small, surrounding the infected area. Weird thing is it set-in right away, like within less than 24 hours.

Sorry can't take a picture, he is a small glowlight danio and is sulking under thick cover and moves when I come close to his side of the tank.

All I want to know is whether I should continue using the melafix even though I'm pretty sure he will die. The reason I am wondering about this is the possibility that whatever this poor guy has for an infection is contagious. Also since there was hadnling of many fish during this transfer perhaps it would be best to continue using the product as a precautionary measure against possible further infections from small cuts etc.

I hope it doesn't sound like I was rough with them, I took hours to complete the transfer and did my best. I have no experience with meds and I am reading conflicting stuff on Melafix. I was concerned one of the zebra danios was reacting funny to the Melafix, but perhaps I am just being paranoid.
Black around the wound could mean the skin dead. also fungus can grow on damaged tissue.
How the fish now.
Is the black marking and fungus getting worse.

Have you increase aeration.
Mealfix can cause the water to foam.
woke up this morning and he was stuck to the filter intake :sad: Just last night I thought he was doing a little better so I added another dose of Melafix. The other fish don't mind, I think I was being paranoid.

He is still breathing, I sure wish he would just pass I don't have the stomach to do it myself, although I did research some humane techniques just in case.

I didn't increase aeration because the packaging didn't say so. I discovered after on the internet that some people do this, but it was too late to buy a airstone or anything. The fish didn't seem to be gasping for air at all, so I think my Aquaclear 30 on a 15 gallon tank was creating enough surface tension. Plus I have live plants.

I did a 40% water change, added carbon to the filter and I am discontinuing the usage.

The black markings or perhaps fungas didn't increase that much, but there was more whitish cottony looking stuff around the black and it expanded. I should get him out of there I know.

From the transfer to this stage only took less than three days.
It's not sounding good.
I would maybe add some pimafix in with the melafix.
Is the water bubbling in the filter flow normal with this stuff?

It won't effect my biological filter will it?

I'm assuming I should continue this for a week like the instructions say?

I'm also confused because it says not to do a water change (24%) until after a week, but I though water changes were good for cuts and illnesses?
I think that's so as not to dilute the medication. If you need to do a change (if there's a problem with the water) I would do one anyway, and just do it before that day's dose of Melafix is due. Then add the dose after you've re-filled that tank. I've done this and it doesn't seem to affect the treatment. If there's no problem with your water there's no point doing a change just for the sake of it, all it'll do is cause more stress to the fish.

After a week should I remove the meds using carbon after the water change? Sorry for all the Q's, I'm a noobie
It always feels nice to do this so you know you've removed the meds, but Melafix is not a harmful medication, so a water change and stopping the dosages should be fine. API, who developed Melafix, have found no known adverse effects on any species. Sometimes people have suggested that there are, but when tested these ideas haven't been substantiated.
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