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  1. B

    how many fish?

    so far i have: 1 Chinese Algae Eater fish 1 Cory 1 Albino 4 Gouramis (2 male 2 female) 3 black tetras 3 lemon tetra 2 fish that i dunt know r cus the man at the shop cought the wrong 1's 4 pink tetras, cant fink of the name off the top of my head. 5 neon tetras. and i am finkin of putting...
  2. B

    dwarf gouramis

    i read that dwarf gouramis squirt water out of their mouth to catch insects. i keep hearing mine do it but ive never cought it doing it,. has anybody cought theres .>>>
  3. B

    how do you work out how many gallons uve got?

    ok thnks. i was typing my second messege when i got the first reply. hehe
  4. B

    how do you work out how many gallons uve got?

    if my tank is: 24" as you look at it. 12" depth 12" inch high from the top of the gravel to the waterline/
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    clown loaches

    no cus i'm happy with the size ive got.
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    clown loaches

    how big do they grow and has anybody got any that big becasue i just got 2 for a 24inch tank.. the shop asid 6-8cm and books and internet say different
  7. B

    whats the best fish for eating algae?

    wot bout snails? i'm thinkin of getting and apple snail, but i dunt know wether it wil get along with my chinese sucker fish///>??? and ive got lots of plants aswell....
  8. B

    whats the best fish for eating algae?

    wot bout snails? i'm thinkin of getting and apple snail, but i dunt know wether it wil get along with my chinese sucker fish///>???
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    gravel filters

    has any1 got one and do you rate them? i'm thinkin of geting 1
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    whats the best fish for eating algae?

    wot is the the best fishes, dnt say catffishes becasue there are loadz lol
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    cory being added to a tank with a loach in it

    mine is old now and i havent notice it being that aggresive. i am only putting one cory in (off a mate)
  12. B

    cory being added to a tank with a loach in it

    good or ba idea? a loch i mean Gyrinocheilus aymonieri or Indian sucker , chinese algae eater. cus its doin much and catfish will do mcuh more but i'm afraid that they wont mix. will they?
  13. B

    loaches and catfishes

    hey. (new member yay) do chinese algae-eaters/indian suckers get along with cories (catfish) because my loach (chinese........) isn't doin anything and catfishes i think are better than them... would they get along if i put a corie in?