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    Java Moss & Plants

    if you live in the west midlands and your prepared to travel a bit you could try the aquatic haitat in brockworth the otherside of cheltenham they have it there :good:
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    Progressions Of My Tank

    yo which ones the mando grass :crazy:
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    New Cichlid Setup

    thats a gooood tank. i like the way the rocks are stacked and how youve put plants in among the rockwork not many people do that on there cichlid tanks
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    My New Tank So Far

    nice tank when your at this stage you might wnat to think about how you want it to look like what plants stuff like that before you add your fish. if your lookin for a natural look id add some natural gravel or sand and take out the red reed thing the other decorations are fine and remember its...
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    Progressions Of My Tank

    cheers :P i was thinking of stocking it with another school of tertra and a pair of somthing or i was going to move the fish in there and add some dwarf puffers any ideas
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    Progressions Of My Tank

    yer i know but when you see the head under the light it looks reely good its like a personal touch lol
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    Progressions Of My Tank

    sorry it would not let me post pics :X this was running for about 3 weeks and it started to get realy dirty loads of algae was building up, and the sand was filthy and showed every spec up. I decided to add some plants and i still was not happy so for the 3rd time i completely changed bought...
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    Progressions Of My Tank

    Hey guys i started fish keeping bout 10 months ago with a 15 gal and my tank has changed alot since then so i thought id do a progression thing Anyway as i said i set my tank up 10 months ago typical beginner set up with few plants gravel then when cycled i added guppys-sucker loach-2...
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    Not As Nice As I've Seen But It's Still Mine

    :hey: nice but u cud do with a black background also i dnt like plastic plants but that works reely well
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    New Scape

    lush tank :drool: what make of light do u have
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    False Neons

    thats gr8 help as i said i will get more :good:
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    False Neons

    thanx griz there are six of them i plan on getting more because there lovely fish also at the moment there only with 3 corydoras my theory was that maybe none was swimming in the front because there were no other fish doin it. also ur rite theres is hardly any plants at the front. -_-
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    False Neons

    yo, about a week ago i bought some false neon tertras from a very reliable lfs anyway i got them home in pretty much mint condition. introduced them into my tank with the lights off and when i turned them on they shot too the back of the tank and hid there. its now been almost a week and they...
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    you'll probably have to ask your local diy store :fun:
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    Damm Dirty

    hi guys, i have got white sand on my 15 galoon planted and it seems to get very dirty so i was wondering is there any sort of substrate that you could mix in with this and would look good in your opinion :fun:
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    My New Tank So Far

    gr8 tank but i would add some plants too cover equipment and a black background :good:
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    Baffoons Tank Updated

    yer that sounds good instead of minnows ill get some rummys :/
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    Baffoons Tank Updated

    yer its same wattage just a different make. juwel ones are rubbish. btw does anyone have any stocking suggestions
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    Baffoons Tank Updated

    So i posted a topic on how my tank was before i planted a week ago and its already 3 pages behind so i started again comments are welcome and if you question ill answer for ya cheers :D
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    i know the bag was sealed and everything :S
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    sick theres white worms in my aquarium. i dnt even know how they got there theres no fish or plants in there just silicia sand and pebbles does anyone no how to rid them or anything about them -_- also theres snails coming out of the sand
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    Baffoons Tank(journal)

    im hoping to have it pretty simple maybe 10 plants but dont what. mainly a few sword like plants and some bushy ones to hide the filter ill be adding seachem root tabs but no co2 because lighting is only 15 watt so if any one can advise plants by the way PH is 7,2 and Kh is 6d :)
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    Baffoons Tank(journal)

    yo yesterday i set up my aquarium again (juwel rekord 60, 15 uk) :D this time with far more knowledge. i went for the silicia sand however im starting to doubt it now because it showsxs even the slightest spec and doesnt look to natural with the light i have. i also got fresh filterpads and a...
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    yo i have got a juwel rekord 60 (15uk) in my bedroom about 2 months ago i stripped it down because of the knowledge i have learned from this forum. however i have a few questions :look: firstly i woould like to use silicia sand as a substrate but am going to use 5cm mix of laterite and gravel...
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    Tetra Company

    it was a joke lol
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    Recommendations For Another School Of Fish?

    if you can find them there is a tetra which i pressume is a albino form of the black skirt tetra called white skirt tetras they would look good :drool:
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    Quiet External

    cheers :shifty:
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    Tetra Company

    the only enemies neon tetras have is 'neon tertra disease'
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    Quiet External

    Does ny1 know or can reccomend a quiet external filter for a 16 uk gallon :S
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    Tetra Tankmates

    k cheers before i had a cae and he was very docile. ill probably have to get some corys. do u any other nice fish that will be alrite with a pair :good:
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    Tetra Tankmates

    how many have you got boxermom and are they alrite with tetras and shrimp
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    Tetra Tankmates

    yer glow lights are kwl :hey:
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    Stocking Ideas For A 10 Gallon?

    puffer or dwarf cichlid or you may not wish to go for fish at all. perhaps a axotyl tank or aquatic frogs :P
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    New Fishies

    i take it your a big bro fan lol its the final week tho :( btw congratulations on your new fish :D