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    Powerheads Positioning Question

    its a 55 gal tank 48x12x18
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    Ro System

    do you guys think i should buy this or just a regular RO system
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    Powerheads Positioning Question

    i just got 2 powerheads that produce 296 gph so im just wondering where is the best place to put it at (i will upload some photos of my aquarium to give you a visual idead of my tank if u guys want me to)
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    How To Take Care Of A Sea Anemones

    im planning to get some sea anemones and i was just wondering how do you take care of them
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    Breeding A Common Clown Fish Is It Possible

    is it possible to breed a common clown fish in captivity and how do you feed or take care of a anemone
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    Saltwater Question

    hi i just setup my very 1st saltwater aquarium.......well everything is looking good except for some bubble on the side of my tank its on top of my tank and theres alot of little thing that is flotting on my aquarium (it appered after i poured in 20 lbs of Live sand and after my tank cleared up...
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    Live Rock Qustions

    i just bought some LR and after i put them on my newly set up tank i found a snail do u thik i should kill it
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    Using Water From You Refrigerator With Filter

    so pretty much its not recommended to use the water from my frige am i rite do u guys think that i can use his one or shouldi just go with an RO system
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    Using Water From You Refrigerator With Filter

    i have a refrigerator that has a filter for its water do you think i can use this insted of buying an RO system.... i cant see whats inside the filter but the filter is shapped like one of those media used for RO system ima holla at ya if i got more info about the filter and the brand of my...
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    Converting From Fresh To Marine

    its for a 100 gallon tank im not sure about the gph but this one online store says it produce about 340.....the water is moving all around the tank just on top i dont kno whats happen in the bottom do but i have an internal filter its a fluval and its an internal filter from my frshwater...
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    Converting From Fresh To Marine

    i just bought some LR and my powerhead are comming this thursday so do you think some of those bacteria will still be alive........the only water movement that i have is from my canister filter......i have an extra internal filter that im using for my freshwater so u think that would work until...
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    Converting From Fresh To Marine

    how long does it take for the tank to complete a natural cyle.......i have a live sand with it and im tring to buy a live rock so can i buy the LR without any powerheads
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    Converting From Fresh To Marine

    so how many pounds of live rocks do i need for a 50 gall and my canister is for a 100 gallon tank and i only have 50 gallon i dont kno the excat gph.........whats the use of live rocks is it just for bacteria and do i need powerhead for the live many powerhead do u recomend (do...
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    Converting From Fresh To Marine

    i just set up my tank and its just gonna be a fish only tank for now and i will add some live rocks and corals later my qustion is can i just use a regular t12 light (50/50) for now and do i need to put live corals or its just for bactiria reson i also have a live sand in there would...
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    Converting From Fresh To Marine

    i hve a 50 gal tank 4ifeet in length n im not usin a sump...... well my plan 4 now is just fish only den add sme rocks n corals wat r d thing that i need 4 fish only n do i hve 2 put sme decor or just sand n fish....n is a moon lite neccesary.....n do u think u can help me 2 set up...
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    Converting From Fresh To Marine

    im trying to just put just fish after my future tank cycle and then add maybe live rocks and some invertibray if that they are called and im just wondering what are those rock that they use for reef tank are they corals or jsut live rocks, i also found this corallife simmer is this a good one...
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    Converting From Fresh To Marine

    i live in the us..... os what kind of light should i go with should i use a CF or haliden light and what brand is good for a skimmer and for lights..... i also found a skimmer for a 200 gallon from LFS they used it and i can get it for $120 do u think i should get this and they have a light i...
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    Converting From Fresh To Marine

    so where do you get RO water i found this light on this website and do you guys think this is a good light to use and it say its a CF light (comapct flaurencent light) so is this light good, would it last long and stuff i also...
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    Converting From Fresh To Marine

    what kind of media do i put on my filter (fluval404) or do i just use the same one from my fresh water aqua
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    Converting From Fresh To Marine

    whats IMO RO Water
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    Converting From Fresh To Marine

    do i really need a skimmer n how much do those thing wat kind of water should i use
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    Converting From Fresh To Marine

    so what are the things that i need for now and things that i need later on..... and how much will it cost me to convert my tank.... i appreciate ur help
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    Converting From Fresh To Marine

    well i had my 50 gal set up as a frshwater aquarium and im trying to convert it to a marine aquarium. right now i have a fluval 404 its for 100 gal tank a 150watts submersable heater. so how much do u htink it will cost me to convert it my budget is only up to $200 and wat else do i need.... is...
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    Convertin From Fresh To Marine

    well i had my 50 gal set up as a frshwater aquarium and im trying to convert it to a marine aquarium. right now i have a fluval 404 its for 100 gal tank a 150watts submersable heater. so how much do u htink it will cost me to convert it my budget is only up to $200 and wat else do i need.... is...
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    Building A Costume 100 Gallon Tank, Is It Possible

    height - 20 inch Lenght - 84 or 80 inch width - 15 inch or 16 inch its gonna be on a built in counter top which is 90 inch in lenght 24 inch in width and 100 inch high
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    Fis Hthat Is Compatible Wit Ha Neon Tetra

    50 gallon i might put about 30 neon so wat other fish could go with it ohh and my aquarium has about 30 different plants
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    wat kind of light and watts should i get for my 50 gallon tank
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    Light For My 50 Gallon Tank

    i might have post this on my last topic..... so how many watts do i need for my 50 gallon tank for now i have 80 watts and im just wndering if this would be enought if i want to have about 30 plants on it
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    Fis Hthat Is Compatible Wit Ha Neon Tetra

    is there any fish that will do well with a neon terta single fish or schooling fish it doesnt matter
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    Building A Costume 100 Gallon Tank, Is It Possible

    im just wondering wat type of glass should i buy if i want to create my own 100 gallon tank a website of a glass store would help too thank u
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    Help On Getting Started On My Plan For My 50 Gallon

    well i have a 50 gallon aquarium n im plannign to convert it from a chiclid tank to a planted aquarium so can some1 help me to get me started now i have 2 shoplight(can i use these things) 80 watts each over all is 160 (wat is the minnimum watts that i should have on my 50 gallon tank for...