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  1. Dave L

    Kick Starting The Cycling Procedure

    Thanks waterdrop. Yes, I did set the flow rate to about half before I left. He didn't have the spray bars fitted, just like a nozzle affair. Once he saw the reaction fromthe fish he said he's going to swap over to them. I'll not be seeing him again until after the weekend so I'll check it all...
  2. Dave L

    Kick Starting The Cycling Procedure

    Hi Corleone, Many thanks for the quick response and the advice. Made me feel much better about it all. Something I noticed after I installed the filter. After about 10 minutes it seemed like his fish were really enjoying the extra flow. It was like they were queuing up to have a play in it...
  3. Dave L

    Kick Starting The Cycling Procedure

    Well, my new light unit arrived yesterday and the Eheim Filter arrived today. I took the light down to the guy who is making the cabinet so he could measure up for the hood. He has a 6x2x2 Jewel set up in his office. I talked to him about having some of his media to help kick start mine when...
  4. Dave L

    Electrical Equipment

    This may be what you are looking for if it's a timer you want Aquarium Timer I just ordered one and waiting for delivery. They look to be good value.
  5. Dave L

    Kick Starting The Cycling Procedure

    Thanks again everyone, MW & waterdrop. I will certainly be taking your advice on board. It's still going to be another couple of weeks or so before my tank cabinet is complete. In the meantime I guess I'm going to have to put my spending head on and gather all the gear together that I need to...
  6. Dave L

    Kick Starting The Cycling Procedure

    Thanks for the quick replies guys, I'm not so sure he'll want to let me delve into his filter for media but I don't think he'll mind me stealing a bit of tank water and rinsing his filter sponge in it. Before I seed the tank I'll need to fill it of coarse. Would it be OK to dechlorinate once...
  7. Dave L

    Kick Starting The Cycling Procedure

    Hi guys, Well I have had my 6 x 2 x 2 for a few months now but I have been waiting on a furniture manufacturing friend to build my cabinet. After a long wait he's finally started it and now I have my mind in gear in preparation for the preparations... I've seen the additives available to help...
  8. Dave L

    Led's As Main Light?

    Hi, On the subject of LED lighting there's an interesting thread HERE over on PFK. This guy has built his own and tells you all about how he's done it. Regards Dave.
  9. Dave L

    Lighting Advice For A New Tank

    Hi guys, Many thenks for the replies. Looks like I need to do a bit more homework. I think I'll look out for something with a bit more light output. Thanks again Dave
  10. Dave L

    Lighting Advice For A New Tank

    Hello, I'm waiting delivery of a new 72 x 24 x 24 tank for which I am having a cabinet built. I am looking at lighting ideas for the hood and came across this unit from Germany via ebay. 8x35W T5 Lighting It seems good value but I would appreciate any advice/opinions on the suitability for...
  11. Dave L

    Hello Everyone,

    Thanks for the replies guys and the info. Thats given me something to start to look at. Looking forward to getting the tank in and cycled. It's likely to be a few weeks yet though. It'll give me time to get all the other stuff together. Thanks again Dave.
  12. Dave L

    Hello Everyone,

    Hi all, Been snooping around a while and reaping lots of info so I thought it about time I posted. Firstly, great forum and a great bunch of fish keepers here. Also, loads of experience being shared. Very much appreciated. I used to keep tropical fish as a youngster and have been promising...