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  1. M

    Moving Right Along

    My platy and guppy fry are really growing at a steady rate. I don't know who is breeding the most my livebearers or red ramshorn snails :unsure:
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    We Have Babies!

    If you leave them in too long...they wont survive as breeder nets can be a death trap for fry as they hold stagnant water and uneaten food. You need to siphon water out of the breeder net every day and replace it with water from the tank. All uneaten food must be removed or the breeder net will...
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    Round 2! Over 100 This Time!

    Well...the first batch of fry isn't even a 1 inch yet and the female laid another batch of eggs and this time the spawn size tripled as she had about 30 last time and over 100 this time. I moved mom and wigglers so she won't have to be stressed from chasing tank mates away. Hopefully they will...
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    Is My Guppy Is Ready To Drop?

    It's a male. My male guppy has a little pot belly on him from time to time so that could be normal for this guppy as well.
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    Help Breeding Blockheads

    I have kept these before and they are somewhat picky about where they spawn. Though they are substrate spawners mine did not spawn until I introduced a piece of pvc pipe. I also noticed the eggs were not adhesive. It took about 4 days for the eggs to hatch and another 8 days for them to become...
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    Proud Mommy With Free Swimmers!

    This morning the fry of this female Pink Convict became free swimming and mom is protecting them even more now. Its just funny to watch them scatter away from her only to be picked up and brought back to the corner of the tank.
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    Shrimp Died ;0(

    I have noticed that my red cherries do much better if they are giving the Algae wafers along with some finely crushed flakes. When I first starting keeping the shrimp they continously died and then someone recommended that they need algae in their diet and that if the flakes did not contain...
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    Fat Guppies Then Back Skinny?

    I have 2 guppies that appear to be very fat and gravid in the morning before first feeding of the day. I move them to a birthing tank along with 3 preg. female platies and then within a few hours they are right back skinny showing no signs of being preg. and the gravid spot goes from black...
  9. M

    Yay! Blue Coral Moon Platy Gives Birth

    Thanks! As of now so I can keep a close watch on them they have been moved from the breeder net. The fry have been placed in a 5 gallon along with some other platy and guppy fry. When they get big enough not to fit in anyones mouth they will be divided up into groups and placed in each of the 3...
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    Yay! Blue Coral Moon Platy Gives Birth

    Around 5pm I went to check on my 3 preg. platies and low and behold I saw 5 babies sitting on the bottom. Once I found the mom of the fry, I immediately moved her to a breeding net so she coud finish. Well so far she has had over 40 and 30 have survived. The rest are not fullyl developed and...
  11. M

    Female Pink Convict With Wiggler (my Youtube Link Included)

    Here's a short video of my Pink Convict and her first batch of fry (wiggler stage). I moved her temporarily along with her fry due to her almost neglecting them when some the eggs did not make it. out of about 100 only 26 survived as the rest somehow got infected with fungs...
  12. M

    Please Help Identify This Platy

    I went fish shopping a few days ago and brought this really big platy I knew was preg. I have never seen a platy this color though it doesnt look rare so I asked the customer rep. what kind it was and she didn't even know cuz there was no label on the tank for the fish and she was the only platy...
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    Ah Ha! I Caught The Convicts On Camera!

    2 days ago I caught my female convict laying eggs & protecting them. I never thought I would catch her in the act! See the links below if you are interested in seeing what happened. The only thing that confuses me is how is the male fertilizing the eggs??? :shifty...
  14. M


    Hi! Yes...they will toughen up once they lay eggs. How did they lose the fry??? My convicts just laid eggs 2 days ago and they are keeping everyone else on the other end of the tank(55 gallon) so I dont worry about them being constricted as they have the majority of the tank anyways. The male...
  15. M

    Rate My Fish Please

    Hi! I was just wanting to know how you guys like my new fish. I just got a hold of some Sail Fin Albino Mollies, True Albino Swordtails & some Salt 'N Pepper Platys. Sail Fin Albino Mollies(lower fish) Lemon Albino Swordtails(above mollies) Salt "n Pepper Platys
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    Whats Wrong With My Guppy?

    It looks like she is giving premature to a fry that is still in the egg sac. Are those red streaks on her body???
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    Guppy Fry Stuck In Birth Canal For Nearly An Hour!

    My female guppy was dropping fry and I didnt notice it til I saw a fry tail hanging from her. I watched for nearly a hour as the little fry hung tail first. Is this normal??? When the fry finally popped out the female seemed to be relieved. I have attached a video link so you guys could see...
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    Goodness Gracious! Fry Again This Week!

    On Monday night I witnessed the birth of my first grandson...7 lbs. even. Then Tuesday night I was doing my usual puter surfing and I turned around just in time to see a little guppy zoom down into the rocks :hyper: At this point, im thinking hard what to do as I dont know which one is...
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    Guppies Guppies!

    Hey...thanks for the advice and they have already been placed in a large grow out tank and are all eating and doing well. I only had them in the one gallon while mom was dropping them. Now let me go post again :unsure:
  20. M

    Guppies Guppies!

    I decided to do another guppy tank since I love these guys, so I went to a petshop to get a few last Tuesday. As I browsed through the tanks...I saw this really fat red female guppy and I instantly wanted her. While I waited for the clerk to get her out for me...this guppy came right to the...