Search results

  1. Kalist

    Missing Fish!? Please Help!

    I have 4 clown loaches (1.5 inches) and last night they completely disappeared from my tank! I circled the tank, inspecting every log and crevace as closely as I could through the glass. They were absolutely nowhere to be seen. This morning I went to look at the tank and they were all swimming...
  2. Kalist

    What Is My Ideal Fish For My Tank?

    Don't forget the clown loaches!
  3. Kalist

    Missing Fish!? Please Help!

    I have 2 filters in there, a canister fluval 304 and a hang on the back whisper, and both intakes have screens over them so nothing could go in and there's nothing stuck to the sides.
  4. Kalist

    Missing Fish!? Please Help!

    Ok so for the past couple weeks I've had 6 zebra danios in with my: 4 silver dollars 7 neon tetras 4 clown loaches 1 pictus catfish 1 rubbernose pleco 6 ghost shrimp Today I only see 4 zebra danios in there.... Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrites: 0ppm NitrAtes: 0ppm 1 of the missing zebra danios...
  5. Kalist

    Night Time Mistry

    I think male silver dollars get those spots around mating times. Maybe when the lights go off the get a little ansy...
  6. Kalist

    What Are You Getting Your Fishies This Christmas?

    My silver dollars just went from a 25 gallon to a 60 gallon tank. Also getting a bunch of neon/black neon/glowlight tetras for friends.
  7. Kalist

    Clown Loach Stuck In Wood

    I saw one of my clown loaches swim about 10 inches into a closed pipe that was barely wider than he was. I kept watching him and he actually made his way out by swimming completely backwards. It took him a while to do it but he looked pretty un-fazed by the entire ordeal. Both of my clown...
  8. Kalist

    60 Gallon Stocking.. New Aquarium!

    Thanks loubega. Planning on getting the angels as small as possible. clown loaches are about 1.5 inches right now.
  9. Kalist

    60 Gallon Stocking.. New Aquarium!

    Hi guys. Just finishing cycling my 60 gallon tank (~ 48" long x 18" wide x 17" tall) so I'm looking at what to put in it. It has 2 large plants, 2 l hollow ogs with opennings on the ground, and 1 hollow log that is in an inverted U shape. There is plenty of swimming room in the front and top of...
  10. Kalist

    Shrimp As A Cleanup Crew?

    60 gallon aquarium, 2 big plants, 3 logs, 4 clown loaches. I have ramhorn snails in there right now that the clown loaches eat. If the worst case scenario is that the loaches eat the shrimp, that's ok. I was just worried the shrimp would bug the loaches or catfish. Thanks for the responses!
  11. Kalist

    Shrimp As A Cleanup Crew?

    Sorry to jump in on your thread but this looks like a good spot to ask my question. Will cherry or ghost shrimp get along with clown loaches and cory's? Or would it just be redundant to get more bottom feeders?
  12. Kalist

    7 Days Into Fishless Cycling - First Test Results

    I'm in Canada and looked at Wal-mart, London Drugs, Safeway, and Sobeys. Unfortunately they DO NOT have to list the contents of cleaning supplies! Stupid! So this thing is just called "AMMONIA" but it clearly is not pure ammonia. Anyway, I checked my ammonia levels 1 hour after adding it and...
  13. Kalist

    Can't Decide

    That sounds like a pretty sweet setup for some dwarf puffers! I think you've got all your bases covered there. Don't forget the bloodworms!
  14. Kalist

    Can't Decide

    How big's your tank?
  15. Kalist

    7 Days Into Fishless Cycling - First Test Results

    OMG I just reread the pinned thread and it says foaming WONT work. Did I just ruin my tank? I put in about three capfulls of this crap that the store sells. I went to 4 freaking grocery stores looking for it and this was the best they had. I hate cycling.
  16. Kalist

    7 Days Into Fishless Cycling - First Test Results

    I got some ammonia from the store (yellow in colour, and does foam when shaken). I thought I read that foaming is good... also it doesn't list ingredients, quite infuriating. It's just called "household ammonia". I added a little of it to the aquarium just recently and will do a test in a few...
  17. Kalist

    7 Days Into Fishless Cycling - First Test Results

    Ok 7 days in, water is still very cloudy and I just picked up some test kits and have my first results: Ammonia .25 ppm Nitrite 0 ppm NitrAte 5.0 ppm So if I'm following that pinned thread right, I need to go pickup some ammonia from walmart to add to the tank to bring it up to 4-5ppm then...
  18. Kalist

    Cloudy Water During Cycling

    Thanks guys, I will get my hands on a test kit, ammonia, and crank up the temperature. I thought I could do fish-food instead of ammonia but you've convinced me otherwise! Thanks for the comments.
  19. Kalist

    Cloudy Water During Cycling

    No test kit, getting one tomorrow likely so I will be able to update on stats then. I've read the thread on fishless cycling. There is a heater in the tank (current temperature is 24 C. It's a 60 gallon tank. The decorations include a few new plants and a log that I transfered from the old tank...
  20. Kalist

    Cloudy Water During Cycling

    Yes, the filter is on. It has been on for...6 days. I've transfered a ton of substrate from my mature tank to my new one, I've added the beneficial bacteria and some flake food and even have some ramshorn snails in there (treats for my clown loaches).
  21. Kalist

    Cloudy Water During Cycling

    Hi guys, sorry if this is a repetitive question but I couldn't find the answer. I'm sure I read that cloudy water during cycling is ok (bacteria that hasn't found a spot to stay) but how long should the water be cloudy for? Mines been cloudy for about 6 days now.. Thanks!
  22. Kalist

    School Of Cardinals

    Once the new 60 gallon is done cycling (in about a month or so) I will slowly transfer my fish from the 25 gallon to the 60 gallon. First I'll transfer the tetras, then a few days later I'll transfer the silver dollars, then a few days after that I'll transfer the bottom feeders. I was thinking...
  23. Kalist

    School Of Cardinals

    Sorry, I should have clarified that by saying "in the process of upgrading" I mean that I have a 60 gallon tank (4ft wide x 17 inches x 18 inches) cycling right now. I won't be adding anything until it is ready. Thanks for your response, I will wait until everything is settled in my new tank...
  24. Kalist

    School Of Cardinals

    Hello everybody! I'm in the process of upgrading to a 227L tank. From my old tank I will be transferring four large silver dollars, two small clown loaches, a small plecostomus, a cory catfish and a couple of tetras. I was thinking of getting a couple of jewel cichlids for the new tank but they...
  25. Kalist

    Upgrading To 60 Gallon

    Thanks for the replies guys. I was hoping to add a couple of angels but if I don't have the space I can always go with something else. The pleco will get big but when he gets to 8" I'll trade him in for a tiny one. My LFS is good about that sort of thing.
  26. Kalist

    Upgrading To 60 Gallon

    Hi guys, I'm a new member with a newbie question (awesome forum by the way). I'm upgrading from a 25 Gallon to a 60 Gallon (~227L) and I'm just wondering about its capacity. I currently have 4 silver dollars (~5.5 inches), 2 clown loaches (~1.5 inches), one plecostomus (~2.5 inches), and two...