60 Gallon Stocking.. New Aquarium!


New Member
Nov 30, 2008
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Hi guys. Just finishing cycling my 60 gallon tank (~ 48" long x 18" wide x 17" tall) so I'm looking at what to put in it. It has 2 large plants, 2 l hollow ogs with opennings on the ground, and 1 hollow log that is in an inverted U shape. There is plenty of swimming room in the front and top of the tank, as well as between the plants.

Transfering into the new 60 gallon from an old tank I have:

4 silver dollars (4 inches long, half inch wide, 4 inches tall)
2 neon tetras
2 clown loaches
1 pictus catfish
1 rubbernose pleco

What I would like to add:

3 clown loaches
2 angelfish
12 neon tetras
4 cherry shrimp

The stocking of my 60 gallon when all is said and done would be:

4 silver dollars (4 inches long, half inch wide, 4 inches tall)
14 neon tetras
5 clown loaches
2 angelfish
1 pictus catfish
1 rubbernose pleco
4 cherry shrimp

The only thing in this tank that's throwing off my sense of how much room is being taken up are the silver dollars and angelfish. Everything else fits into the 1 inch per gallon rule, but the silver dollars and angelfish would produce way more waste than their length in inches.

As for space, during the day the silver dollars stick mostly at the back of the tank behind plants or underneath the log that is the inverted U. This makes me think there would be lots of room for that small school of neons to strech their fins.

Thanks a lot for taking the time to read this and thanks in advance for any replies!
Hi guys. Just finishing cycling my 60 gallon tank (~ 48" long x 18" wide x 17" tall) so I'm looking at what to put in it. It has 2 large plants, 2 l hollow ogs with opennings on the ground, and 1 hollow log that is in an inverted U shape. There is plenty of swimming room in the front and top of the tank, as well as between the plants.

Transfering into the new 60 gallon from an old tank I have:

4 silver dollars (4 inches long, half inch wide, 4 inches tall)
2 neon tetras
2 clown loaches
1 pictus catfish
1 rubbernose pleco

What I would like to add:

3 clown loaches
2 angelfish
12 neon tetras
4 cherry shrimp

The stocking of my 60 gallon when all is said and done would be:

4 silver dollars (4 inches long, half inch wide, 4 inches tall)
14 neon tetras
5 clown loaches
2 angelfish
1 pictus catfish
1 rubbernose pleco
4 cherry shrimp

The only thing in this tank that's throwing off my sense of how much room is being taken up are the silver dollars and angelfish. Everything else fits into the 1 inch per gallon rule, but the silver dollars and angelfish would produce way more waste than their length in inches.

As for space, during the day the silver dollars stick mostly at the back of the tank behind plants or underneath the log that is the inverted U. This makes me think there would be lots of room for that small school of neons to strech their fins.

Thanks a lot for taking the time to read this and thanks in advance for any replies!

neons may become an expesnive snack for the angels? however i have kept them together before, it all depends on how big the angels are? if you introduce them when they are small and the neons are a fair size then you may be ok.......but you cannot guareentee it....

i have a shoal of harlequins with angels and they get along great.....could also look at a large sized tetra? like maybe the black neon? look great as a shoal

Shrimps may become snack food for the loaches as well.....all depends on the size of the loaches and the shrimps, however C.loaches in the wild eat shrmips and snails so i also wouldnt guarentee the survial of the shrimps.....however with plenty of planting and cover they could survive....
Thanks loubega.

Planning on getting the angels as small as possible. clown loaches are about 1.5 inches right now.
although silver dollers are mainly non meat eaters they more and likely will find if theyre hungry that they like the taste of cherry shrimp and neon tetras. i have kept them at 5 inches and i had no problems but some one i know had them at around 4 inches and all theyre neons got eaten.

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