Shrimp As A Cleanup Crew?


Fish Crazy
Sep 24, 2008
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I have had interest in some shrimp and I was wondering if anyone has ever had shrimp instead of corys?
I was wondering if shrimp are good cleaners for left over food and algae?
what about glass shrimp?
How many could I have in a 29g with 7 harlequins,6 cherry barbs,6 corys,and 1 dwarf gourami
Not familiar w/ glass shrimp, but they should be fine. You can fit lots in there, shrimp produce very little waste compared to fish. I do know they won't breed in freshwater, so you won't have to worry about them over populating.
thanks I was wondering about cherry shrimp?how hardy are they and do they eat left overs?
Sorry to jump in on your thread but this looks like a good spot to ask my question. Will cherry or ghost shrimp get along with clown loaches and cory's? Or would it just be redundant to get more bottom feeders?
Cherry shrimp are really hardy IMO. They eat leftovers, algae, any dieing plant matter, an whatever else they find tasty. I still have to remove some algae from my tanks. They won't eat that hard green algae that slowly builds up on the glass. They are constantly cleaning and pecking at things in the tank. They are really good at finding uneaten food.

Cherry shrimp get along with cory's great. I've got one in my 20gal with all the cherries. The cory and the shrimp will both eat from the same algae wafer at the same time. I'm not sure about the clown loaches, but I think it would be fine if the loaches were small and the cherry shrimp had hiding places .
Sorry to jump in on your thread but this looks like a good spot to ask my question. Will cherry or ghost shrimp get along with clown loaches and cory's? Or would it just be redundant to get more bottom feeders?

wouldnt get shrimps with clown loaches, Loaches eat shrimps and crustaceans in the wild, they would maybe co-inhabit if the tank was big enough and heavily planted,. therefore the shrimp had plenty of hiding spots!

I might have to either get cherrys or ghost shrimp

i have amano shrimps only had them a week and already done a fantastic job in my 70l hex a batch of 6 and they look awesome when they all go on the prowl for algae!
what about glass shrimp?
How many could I have in a 29g with 7 harlequins,6 cherry barbs,6 corys,and 1 dwarf gourami

amano shrimp and cherry shrimp would be perfect algae eaters to add to your tank
60 gallon aquarium, 2 big plants, 3 logs, 4 clown loaches. I have ramhorn snails in there right now that the clown loaches eat. If the worst case scenario is that the loaches eat the shrimp, that's ok. I was just worried the shrimp would bug the loaches or catfish.

Thanks for the responses!
60 gallon aquarium, 2 big plants, 3 logs, 4 clown loaches. I have ramhorn snails in there right now that the clown loaches eat. If the worst case scenario is that the loaches eat the shrimp, that's ok. I was just worried the shrimp would bug the loaches or catfish.

Thanks for the responses!

The shrimp definitely won't bother the loaches, but as said they're likely to become a snack.

There are a number of freshwater shrimp available that are basically all the same in terms of foods. Amano, cherry, ghost/glass, bumblebee, etc. all basically will eat some algae and leftover foods. Amano and cherry are considered the best for algae, although my bumblebees seem to pick at it as much as the Amanos in the same tank.
thanks for all the help deiding on a shrimp I will definentaly get cherries

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