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  1. irodri25

    New Planted Tank....

    I have been doing big water changes :( a little tired of it now but my nitrites are finally at zero and my ammonia too my PH is good also but yes I noticed a lot of my fish getting ich now so I decided to use ich attack on my whole tank. What a pain in the a** this tank has proven to be and to...
  2. irodri25

    Co2 System

     if you think about it though plants that are terrestrial get Co2 everyday during the day and night because co2 is constantly in the air around us so im starting my DIY Co2 system today  we will see how it goes and how my plants do :) I'll keep you guys updated.
  3. irodri25

    Co2 System

    the fire extinguisher idea sounds great but I'm limited on money so I think I will try the bottle first and later when I start getting more experienced and more plants and better lighting i will try the extinguisher:) also when I get a better job not sure how much money that is because I live in...
  4. irodri25

    Pit Bull Scaling A 5Ft

    i wish my pitbull was high energy he is a 57 pound 8 month old puppy that doent jump very high and is super lazy :) he has hiss energetic moments and pulls alot but when I want to play ball with him outside he doesn't really want to go get the ball and when he does he goes super slow I dont...
  5. irodri25

    What Is The Strangest Animal You Have Ever Kept?

    2 Chinese Water Dragons 1 Cornsnake 2 Red eared Sliders a poodle and a pitbull and a Pacman frog and 2 Green anoles and 1 Bahman anole does that count :)
  6. irodri25

    Easy Plants That Can Be Grown In Sand.

    cambomba!!!! easy to grow
  7. irodri25

    What Is Eating My Plants?

    4 Rosy barbs 3Giant Danios 1 Angelicus Botias 5 Buenos Aires Tetras 4 Harlequin Rasporas 4 Pristella Tetras 5 Dump eye Tetras 1 Golden killifish 1 Chinese algae eater (i know bad choice) 1 Rainbowfish 4 Ghost catfish   This is all I have in my tank any idea what could be eating my plants I...
  8. irodri25

    New Planted Tank...not Doing Well

    ok thank you and will do I really like the look of it I'm using it as my background plant
  9. irodri25

    New Planted Tank....

    Thank you so much my PH has gone down and so has ammonia, ammonia is at .25ppm and PH is between 7.2 and 7.4 as for nitrites they are still high and nitrates higher. Also I think my PH went down because of the piece of driftwood I just placed in the tank
  10. irodri25

    Co2 System

    Hello I am new to the planted tank hobby and I've just started my planted tank about 2 to 3 weeks ago. I have floramax and sand as my substrate  fertilize everyday I have 2 28 watt bulbs one is a T5 the other is a T8 my tank is a 55 gallon tank I have about 30 root tabs in the substrate my...
  11. irodri25

    New Planted Tank...not Doing Well

    No I actually meant the one next to the sign the stringy one because I have that one and it is the only one growing nicely and growing new leaves... So I rearranged all my plants because I got a piece of driftwood a really nice one too and the anubias nana is now on it i fertilize everyday and...
  12. irodri25

    New Planted Tank...not Doing Well

    ok thanks that was my next question about the CO2 and great I didnt know that about the anubias :)  I will do that as soon as I get some driftwood in my tank Thanks everyone :) I will do all that was recommended and see if that changes anything
  13. irodri25

    New Planted Tank...not Doing Well

    yes its mostly the amazon swords and I have a question for you I'm looking at the picture of your aquarium I would like o know what plant is the one to the left of the no fishing sign?
  14. irodri25

    New Planted Tank...not Doing Well

    ok will do but is that the reason my plants are dieing?
  15. irodri25

    New Planted Tank...not Doing Well

    sorry I forgot about that I have a 26 watt T5 and a 26 watt T8 colormax strip light its 48 inches long they are on a really long time actually from  8in the morning to 11 at night  and for flow I'm not sure how much flow there should be but I have a marineland emperor filter meant for a 90...
  16. irodri25

    New Planted Tank...not Doing Well

    So I recently started my 55 gallon tank the substrate is 30 pounds of Floramax bottom layer and a thin layer of sand on top. I add excel once a week and I use the CO2 booster liquid about twice a week. I have 2 amazon swords ,a pennyworth, water wisteria, and anubias nana and two other plants I...
  17. irodri25

    How To Know If Floorboards Will Support This Weight?

    a 55 gallon is ok on the top floor of the house? Now i'm worried :( I'm not sure what you guys mean by upstairs flat
  18. irodri25

    New Planted Tank....

    Ok guys i am so stumped on these results im getting!!! :( I do water changes everyday but my readings are all over the place. My PH is 8.0 my Ammonia is at .50 ppm  Nitrites are at 5.0 ppm and nitrates are at 80 ppm today I even siphoned the bottom and  trimmed my plants because there were some...
  19. irodri25

    New Planted Tank....

    yeah I figured that out this week :( I was going to give them to my mother in law  because she loves plants I just haven't got around to it I think I'll do it now :) thatnk you By any chance would anybody know where I can get driftwood for a good price?
  20. irodri25

    New Planted Tank....

    Ok a 50% water change has just been done.....noticed ich on some of my fish would it be ok to treat with kordons ich attack? I have live plants too so is it safe for them? I removed some with ich and quarantined them but my quarantine is running out of space :(
  21. irodri25

    New Planted Tank....

    this is my tank now
  22. irodri25

    New Planted Tank....

    So I recently set up a 55 gallon tank in my room. I used to use it for my turtles but changed my mind and decided to get fish. I cleaned the tank out really good . Bought a new filter  it is the marineland penguin meant for a 90 gallon. Which also means better cleaning :) that extra umphhh...
  23. irodri25

    Silver Hatchet Without The Hatchet Belly?   Here is a clearer video but its the best I got :( sorry it might just be my bad lighting and my quarantine tank is so scratched up sorry about that lol years of cleaning it. It was my first tank ever. As for markings...
  24. irodri25

    Silver Hatchet Without The Hatchet Belly?

    omg it looks exactly like the indian hatchetfish even with the black dot by the tail
  25. irodri25

    Silver Hatchet Without The Hatchet Belly?

    I have some danios and they dont look the same maybe a different type and yes I will try again see if its better
  26. irodri25

    Silver Hatchet Without The Hatchet Belly? Posted a video instead I'll post some photos but they aren't very clear. The mystery hatchetfish is the one swimming around really fast I tried following it as best I could towards the end you can see a clearer...
  27. irodri25

    Silver Hatchet Without The Hatchet Belly?

    yes i will try because it is very fast Any idea on how I can attach a Photo?
  28. irodri25

    Silver Hatchet Without The Hatchet Belly?

    Help!!! So I got a bunch of hatchet fish that are currently in my quarantine tank until they are ready to be put in the show tank but when I got them there was one that looked really similar to a hatchet fish but didn't have the big belly that they normally do is it still a hatchet its same...