New Planted Tank...not Doing Well


Fish Fanatic
Mar 20, 2013
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So I recently started my 55 gallon tank the substrate is 30 pounds of Floramax bottom layer and a thin layer of sand on top. I add excel once a week and I use the CO2 booster liquid about twice a week. I have 2 amazon swords ,a pennyworth, water wisteria, and anubias nana and two other plants I cant seem to identify. Ive had them in the tank for about 2 weeks but i noticed the leaves were turning brown and then turned clear  also i noticed the roots were rotting what could be the problem? I forgot to menyion that there is also about 30 root tabs in the floramax each about 10 cm away from eatchother.
Dosing ferts weekly is no good. You'll want to switch to dosing daily. Also what is your lighting? Wattage? T5/T8 etc and how long are they on for.
Flow wise too, what you got?
sorry I forgot about that I have a 26 watt T5 and a 26 watt T8 colormax strip light its 48 inches long they are on a really long time actually from  8in the morning to 11 at night  and for flow I'm not sure how much flow there should be but I have a marineland emperor filter meant for a 90 gallon and which can have the flow switched higher

I wasnt sure how much fertilizer should be added thank you for letting me know but is that the reason my plants are dieing
Cut down your light hours! Way way too long.
I'd put your lighting to 8 hours aday. Something like 12-8pm
ok will do but is that the reason my plants are dieing?
Guessing its the amazon swords?

Maybe as they have been moved from pet shop if planted there, they need to resettle in your tank?
yes its mostly the amazon swords and I have a question for you I'm looking at the picture of your aquarium I would like o know what plant is the one to the left of the no fishing sign?
is the anubias nana  in the substrate ? if so it will rot it needs to be tied to wood or stone
ok thanks that was my next question about the CO2 and great I didnt know that about the anubias :)  I will do that as soon as I get some driftwood in my tank Thanks everyone :) I will do all that was recommended and see if that changes anything
I dose weekly and my plants don't suffer, I also don't use co2. You don't have particularly powerful lights so I doubt you benefit much from adding co2 I'd just stop doing it all together. Your lights are on too long though.
irodri25 said:
yes its mostly the amazon swords and I have a question for you I'm looking at the picture of your aquarium I would like o know what plant is the one to the left of the no fishing sign?
Ill have to look that up lol!
If you dose weekly and your plants use up the ferts too fast it means they go on for days with nothing. More of a benafit doing daily.
Plants will often "melt" when first introduced to a new tank. They should settle in after a few weeks.
And the plant you were wondering about I believe to be anacharis densa. Common in most LFS. I think we also call it elodea.
No I think she means the smaller one at the front, I know the elodea and cabomba but the smaller to the left of the sign I haven't seen since I bought it.

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