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    Photo Request

    Its just a corridor, but we've also built in the front door there aswell, so its our access into the house lol if the house wasn't so close to the neighbours, we would probably have built another room! Its basically just an extra extension, built just for the tank :D
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    Has anyone else got one, as i currently have two in a ft long tank, yes they grow to 30cm so im going to add them to a larger tank, but am just curious as to what other species of fish you house them with?
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    Just got a trio of dwarf cockatoo cichlids!

    Thats stunning, if you don't mind me asking, how much were they?
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    feeding fish

    I feed my reedfish every other day! :)
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    Adding fish

    IMO i definatly wouldn't keep malawi cichlids with clown loach, as clown loach are a soft water species and malawis are a hard water species! Ph for clown loach should be around 6 and for malawi's around 7-8 so you can see the difference!
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    Photo Request

    The 8ft tank has 200gallons of water, were estimating the 12ft one will hold around 400g also, theres a door to the left of the pics, this leads to the room wich the tank is in, so we have full access to the above and the back of the tank, ill take some pics and post them on ;) :D
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    Are newbies limited as to where they post or am i having problems, as i want to post a new topic in Cyprinids and it wont let me, also tried to post this in suggestions but wont let me do that neither :S HELP!!!
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    This guy is the best specialist aquarist ever!

    One problem, thats in america, im in england :(
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    Ammonia Rise

    You should also add some aquatic plants as these gobble up nitrates ;) hope this helps!
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    My day out at stapley - water gardens

    Went there a few weeks back, did you watch the pirahna and Pacu eat :D that was wickid, also notice all the livebearers swarming around the pacu and pirahna tank :D
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    Photo Request

    We built an extension to fit our 8ft tank in, it has a false wall around it wich as you can see with the frame makes it look like a giant picture frame :D All is to be changed tho, as @ the end of october were getting rid of the 8ft tank and adding a 12ft acrilic tank in its place :D
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    newest fish

    I want an arowana in our 8ft tank, but it would end up eating all our smaller fish like the tigebarbs :(
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    Just as long as you have water movement at the top your eels will recieve oxygen ;)
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    Alrite, been lookin for an aquatic forum for a while now, and thanks to Penny ive found one, nice one Penny ;) Anyways, i currently keep an 8ft tank with my dad, wich is currently housing a number of varieties of fish, the main ones being our 10 1ft long lemmon finned barbs, and 5 1ft long...