Search results

  1. E

    My Brichardi

    hahahahahahahahaha thanks! :cool:
  2. E

    My Brichardi

    :*) :*)
  3. E

    My fish tank

    I got frontosa's!!!! 3 of um
  4. E

    Thematic Photos

    i like it a lot !!!! :D
  5. E

    what vegi's are good for fish???

    i put cucumber corn and spinach all in a blender then i freeze it. is this ok??
  6. E

    Tropheus duboisi

    when you feed spinach do you slice it up?? or 1 big leaf?
  7. E

    Tropheus duboisi

    anyone have piks????
  8. E

    Tropheus duboisi

    anyone have Tropheus duboisi i would like to know what some of you feed it
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    my 10g-redecorated

    hey thats like my flagstone. looks nice
  10. E

    My fish tank

    my pleco is a LDA07 i think
  11. E


    :o hey i thinks thats like my pleco but its an albino. wow i have a albino LDA07 :o
  12. E

    video of my p's having a snack

    put your finger in ther :D e
  13. E

    My fish tank

    do you have a bristle nose?
  14. E

    My fish tank

    he doesnt really have bristles on his nose
  15. E

    My fish tank

    feed what?
  16. E

    random fishie pics i really like

    very very nice pictures and :fish: . i really like your chocolate cichlids :kana:
  17. E

    Another Death

    she was a very nice :wub: convict. :rip:
  18. E

    My fish tank

    what do some of you feed your fish to enhance color?
  19. E

    Pics of my fish

    those are some really nice fish. :cool:
  20. E

    My fish tank

    thanks :ninja:
  21. E

    My fish tank

    the rocks i used to decorate the tank all came from my back yard. my dad had some extra flagstone laying around so i cleaned them up. it made my tank so much nicer :D here all my fish. i was not able to take a picture of all of them my plecos are all hiding right now. 4x (baby) Convict Cichlid...
  22. Plecos_.jpg


  23. E

    Pics of my discus and updates of the tank =)

    nice tank. looks nice! :thumbs:
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    My Flag RIP

    can we see the shark that killd him?
  25. E

    My fish tank

    :clap: finally got my bicher to come out
  26. bicher.jpg


  27. united_copy.jpg


  28. monster.jpg


  29. electric_lab.jpg


  30. E

    My fish tank

    :D my baby :wub:
  31. convict.jpg


  32. E

    Susie my Black Molly!

    :hyper: :kewlpics:
  33. E

    Tank cycled in 11 days

    i just stard my tank on sunday last week its now saturday. it has been 6 days. my tank has: nitrite 0.25 nitrate 0 ph 8.0 ammonia 0.25 btw its a 55 gallon (us)
  34. E

    My fish tank

    still waiting for them to be more active. and trying to make the camera cooperate now! :unsure: more pics will be up :alien:
  35. E

    My fish tank

  36. tehe.jpg

