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  1. L

    Best online shops for mid-high size tanks??

    12"x12"x72" i bet you'll have to get that made!
  2. L

    Hagen's 404

    I can't say my self but my friend as just got one, he say's his water as never been so clear compared to his other tank's.
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    jewel rio

    Nice one i think thats the way i'll go then.....cheers.
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    jewel rio

    How easy is it to remove the fillter and case that is fixed to the glass on the rio 300 to give more room and use a external fillter. I know it would be easyer to buy one without a fillter but there is none i like or in the price range of the jewel, and the lighting system not having to have a...
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    Black hair algae

    hi I've got a 98lt tank which as black hair algae on the edges of plants, i have uped my water changes to twice a week cut down the light to 6-8 hours and useing rowaphos in the fillter but it's still there and getting worse, what else should i be doing? ...little devil :dunno:
  6. L

    Bubbles on the wall of aquarium!

    I read it was to do with new tanks mine did it, once they get established it go's away.
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    Kuhli loaches

    I've got three kuhlie loaches and they've not kept my snails down,clown loaches are ment to be better for this job.
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    What would YOU do?

    I'd use it for discus,but not sure if it's wide or deep enough. :unsure: