Kuhli loaches

I don't think Kuhli's will eat snails. I think their mouths are not tough enough to crack the shells.
I've never seen a kuhli eat snails but my orange finned loach [ botia]did , they don't actually crack the shells , they find snails ,small ones . They turn them over and go in the shell opening and eat the snail [meat].I guess a kuhli could do this also . kuhlis and botias are very different loaches , I keep both , it is best to feed them at night if you don't think they are getting food , they are nocturnal. In my case it was malayan snails also nocturnal , very hard to crack , empty shells all over the tank . .
I managed to sort out the little problem thanx guys :D . Because opening the lid thingy on the aqauarium wakes up the platys , i put a pellet in where the filter wire comes out of the tank and I assume that the kuhlies have been getting it because they look much bigger and it was dark so I doubt the platys found it :flex: . Dumb livebearers but their forgiven because they had some fry lol.
Wow this post was popular like my most popular one ever I posted this like 3 months ago and it came back when the "bad thing" happened. Well anyway WOW I've already got plans for these guys.

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