Search results

  1. S

    Diy Chiller

    Coiling would help out a lot, as long as you have your heater set for what ever temp you want I don't see to many problems. If the weather jumps up to 90 above for more then a week here, I will be making one. I will take pics and tell you how it is doing.
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    Diy Chiller

    I've been thinking about an idea for a chiller that would be pretty cheap to make. Would like to hear your opions on this. Materials: Cooler, Small One Bulk head, depends on thickness of cooler Tubing Silicone Pump(check Max head depending where you keep it) If a bulk head wont fit through...
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    Maybe We Can Get A List Of Books That Help

    Searching the net for info on fish and plants is good, you just get a lot, some decent some not so decent. I would like to get a list of books that are could be helpful. Sometimes looking at what 3 or 4 books have to say on something will give you a good idea of the information you want and...
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    How Did You Get Into Fishkeeping.

    Growing up there was a reef tank, fw, and eel tank, so it started there
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    The Fish That Threatened National Security

    TSA agents in the airport are the worst. Last February, I was on a trip for the military with my coworker. My friend he forgot to put his knife in his checked baggage. Well the knife happend to be an automatic opening knife, well his bag was x-rayed and they saw the knife. The look on his...
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    Petco Or Petsmart

    I live out in the woods, so I have to travel to get to any place. The closest petco to me carries decent fish supplies, but terrible selection of fish, and a staff that doesn't know much. The petco next to my college has a good selection of fish but crappy selection of supplies. Like posted...
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    My Filter Is Not Cooperating

    With Power Filters the water level has to be above the impeler to even get a suction going. The best thing you could do is a sponge filter or exteranl filter. Look in the turtle section in your LFS, they should have filters for what you are going for.