My Filter Is Not Cooperating

Jun 26, 2006
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I am re-doing my tank for fiddler crabs, and I have to have the tank about halfway filled up, but I still want to run the filter. Its a HOB filter, and the aquarium is 10 gallons. The intake thing is below the water level, but the tube it connects to has a joint in the middle, and the filter dosen't want to run when the water level is below the joint. I was thinking of trying to seal the joint with aquarium sealant, but was not sure if that would work.

What is the best way to fix this, or can I even run the water this low? Would aquarium sealant be the best thing to use, or is there something else?

Here is a pic showing what I am talking about (I hope)

ETA, please excuse the algae and junk, I'm cleaning it up today.
You could try wrapping some electrical tape round as an attempt to see if it could work, it could be the impeller isn't powerful enough to suck the water that distance out of the tank.
With Power Filters the water level has to be above the impeler to even get a suction going. The best thing you could do is a sponge filter or exteranl filter. Look in the turtle section in your LFS, they should have filters for what you are going for.
HOB's really aren't designed for that kind of thing. They are not suction pumps and do not generate much draw. You can try sealing the joint with sealant, but I suspect the flow will always be pretty low, and the filter may not last long.
I think you'd be better off with one of those submersible filters. I remember seeing one that said it worked in as little as two inches of water... look in the reptile sections for them, maybe. I know a lot of people use them when they have turtles and such. HOB filters have really low suction, so it wouldn't work out. :(

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