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  1. G

    Yoyo Loach And Corys

    OK thanks, I'd read somethine a while ago that they shouldnt be mixed and couldn't remember why, was just looking for some advice. Thank you.
  2. G

    Yoyo Loach And Corys

    Are yoyo loaches (Botia almorhae) and corydoras compatible, are there any issues with keeping them in the same tank?
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    Pairs Breaking Up?

    They have been spawning every two weeks for the past 3 months or so (none have hatched yet, had an egg fungus prolem which I hve managed to get rid of), when it is coming up to there spawing time its usually the female that is the more aggressive of the two.
  4. G

    Pairs Breaking Up?

    Has anyone had experience of a pair "breaking" up? I have a pair of keyholes which I've been trying to breed. Not had any aggression problems in the past. Looked into my tank yesterday and couldnt see the female, when i did find her she was really dark, alot darker than she becomes at breeding...
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    Egg Fungus.

    Can anyone give me some advice as to how I can combat egg fungus? I have a pair of keyholes that spawn every 2 weeks but I have yet to see any hatch. After about 24hrs after spawning they one by one start to turn white and usually are all gone by morning. I am assuming the eggs are being eaten...
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    Emm got into trouble at my LFS...

    I read the whole thing only to find out its 4 years old. Good to see people standing up against poorly informed lfs employees. I still feel a bit foolish though :lol:
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    How Common?

    One of my purple emperor tetras has been swimming on its side. Pretty sure it isn't disease, the rest of the fish in the tank are unaffected and it hasnt gotten any worse. My water conditions are good. Was wondering how common it was for fish to injure them-selves while dashing around the tank...
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    Going On Holidays

    What sort of fish are in the 10 gal? how mature is the set up?
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    Tanks With Black Sand

    I’d try to get sand that was actually black and not just died/coloured black. I bought some "black sand" for my tanks about a year ago, when washing it the water kept turning black. Took a lot of washing until it stopped colouring the water. Ended up with a mix of white to grey and black sand...
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    Is My Guppy Is Ready To Drop?

    Will second that, definitely a male. It looks more colourful with a bigger tail, but the anal fin (gonopodium), with which it fertilises the female, is the sure fire sign that its a male.
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    Power Cut Advise

    Wouldn't the lack of oxygen start to kill off the bacteria in the filter before the lack ammonia got to them?
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    Less Then Two Weeks Later

    There's 1 or 2 white ones the rest are a clear brown colour. The parents are constantly fanning them usually the female, but the male takes his turn when she is out lookin for food.
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    Less Then Two Weeks Later

    Thanks nelly for the info. I read somewhere that you can tell if the eggs have been fertilized by their colour is this tru? If so what colour should they be? what colour is bad? Ty
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    Less Then Two Weeks Later

    Hey My keyholes have spawned again. It’s been less then two weeks since they tried last time, didn’t expect them to try again so soon, unfortunately the eggs only lasted two days before they ate them. Im hoping they won’t eat them this time, it’s their second attempt so with any luck they will...
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    Sadly the eggs where gone when i checked on them this morning :-( Im presuming the female has eaten them Im gutted but it was only their first attemt so im hoping things will go beeter next time, fingers crossed.
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    Hello Every1. Im new here, but I have been keeping fish for about 4 or 5 years. I have a mature well established community tank, which had a pair of keyhols. Last Thursday I added some small panda corys, I didnt think my keyholes would be any threat because they've always been so peaceful and...