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  1. C

    Gas Pockets! What Do I Do?!

    Well....I think I have found the route to all of my problems I've had lately. Gas pockets in my sand bed. I never thought in a million years I would have this issue...I only have 2" of sand that I thought I was stirring up pretty well when I do water changes... but tonight while I was doing a...
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    Are There Any Shrimp Suitable For Freshwater?

    I actually have four cherry shrimp in my tank with neon tetras, harlequin rasboras, cories, and bolivian rams. None of my fish care about the large cherry shrimp..but the babies. Forget it, those poor little babes are snacks in no time. The tetras are always the first to get em. I would look...
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    How About A Tetra Tank?

    In the past I kept a number of tetras together with absolutely no issues at all. I kept cardinals, black phantoms, serpaes, pristellas and black neons. I was a bit inexperienced at the time and only had like max 4 of each which doesn't really make for a pretty tank though lol.
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    Swim Bladder Or Whirling Disease? Or Something Else?

    So, I tested my tap water. It appears to be reading around 10ppm for Nitrate. No ammonia, and no nitrite readings though. When I do water changes I use NutraFin Aqua Plus. I did another tank reading (no problems since my cory dying) right after testing my tap water and it read around 20ppm...
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    Swim Bladder Or Whirling Disease? Or Something Else?

    Ahh! Maybe my tap water has nitrates then. I never thought to test it!
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    Swim Bladder Or Whirling Disease? Or Something Else?

    Thanks! Sadly he passed...the other three are doing well still and look healthy. I sort of think this was due to poor acclimation by my boyfriend. Because two died..and he picked up two recently and just dumped them in the tank (I advised him otherwise, he didn't listen, awful). He also...
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    Swim Bladder Or Whirling Disease? Or Something Else?

    Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 30 ppm kH: 40-50 gH: 50-60 Tank size: 46 gallons Tank stock: 2 bolivian rams, 4 false julii cories, 11 neon tetras, 4 cherry shrimp.   I change the water / vac the bottom every Saturday and change about 10 gallons of my 46 gallon tank. No chemicals or treatments...
  8. C

    Pop Eye And Random Deaths.

    Tank size: 46g moderately planted, eheim 2213 pH: 7.0 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 30 kH: 40-50 gH: 50-60 tank temp: 78F Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): One neon tetra has pop eye. Sadly I got him from my LFS two weeks ago with it...
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    Julii Cory Cats, School Or Pair?

    I'll try to get a good picture. They're very skiddish though..probably because there's only two! They're more on the brownish color. But one looks more like the right photo and the other looks more like the left lol. Regardless they're cute and I feel bad now! I'm gonna stop and grab three more...
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    Julii Cory Cats, School Or Pair?

    Sorry if this has been asked before..I tried searching but didn't find a result!   I've heard people say cories are best kept in groups of 5+ but when I was at my LFS the other day one of the guys (I don't trust his advice and the owner wasn't there) talked me out of getting more and said two...
  11. C

    Thinking About Starting An Mbuna Tank...

    I kept cichlids in a 46 gallon bowfront for a couple years... they were okay until they got larger. Yellow labs are really great..and if I were you I would stick with them and do a species tank with one male and four females. They're more on the more peaceful side of cichlids and a tank full of...
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    Stocking A 46 Gallon Bowfront! Suggestions Please!

    Also because a few mentioned PH. I tested today!   pH = 7.0 KH = 40-50 GH = 50-60
  13. C

    Stocking A 46 Gallon Bowfront! Suggestions Please!

    Thanks for the lookout on the snails!   I'm so excited to get started! I'm still awaiting a plant shipment to my LFS before I get crazy. lol. It looks so empty right now, I only have one small plant left over from when I had the cichlids. Don't even know what it is..but it's actually doing much...
  14. C

    Stocking A 46 Gallon Bowfront! Suggestions Please!

    Thanks everyone!! :)     This is great!   do Nerite snails get crazy in terms of population? I really want a snail of some kind..but I don't want to end up with like 30 snails all over the place.
  15. C

    Stocking A 46 Gallon Bowfront! Suggestions Please!

    Hi all!   A little background: 46 gallon bowfront (36.4" x 16.4" x 21.9"). Kept some smaller cichlids in it for about 5 years. Now making the switch to a planted community! Some of you may have seen my post in regards to my substrate (it's sand) but now that that's all situated..I would like to...
  16. C

    Simple Driftwood & Sand Question(S)...

    Thanks to both of you!   I tried taking a picture..but I had difficulty getting an accurate shot. I did a google search and found this..which is almost identical besides the fact the stuff in my tank is like pure bright white. I'll try scrubbing it and doing a good water change.       I didn't...
  17. C

    Simple Driftwood & Sand Question(S)...

    The time has come and I am switching from having cichlids for years now to a planted community. I had one left and instead of letting him live out a long boring life on his own..I re-homed him as of yesterday. He's now in a ridiculously large tank though so I'm sure he's loving life! 50 gallons...
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    Hi Im New To This Forum ! :)

    Welcome!!   I love Cardinals! Would love to see pictures of your tank!
  19. C

    Tanganyikan Cichlid Setup Or Sa Planted Tetra Tank?

    haha! This is hard because I was in the same dilema a couple months ago.. I decided to keep my Malawi cichlids instead...I was sooo all for a Tanganyika set up though! They're beautiful and have such interesting personalities. I adore Tretocephalus's.
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    Planted Nano Tank 30L

    agreed! ^ both tanks are beautiful!
  21. C

    Filtering Question In Betta Tank

    I've kept bettas in the past with and without light. I didn't really notice that much of a difference in their behavior. However, I did also have heavily planted tanks for them which does help dim the light.
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    Tank Top!

    I think a top will contribute to less dust particles floating on the surface and less water evaporation...I'm not sure on the heat factor though.
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    Planted Nano Tank 30L

    so simple and so delicate! it looks so lush! i think either option would be beautiful, be it a small shoal, or a betta :)
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    5Ft Tank Build

    I'm looking forward to seeing this in the tank! looks awesome so far! 
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    My First Tank

    This tank is so cute!! I love it! How do you like the snails? I've always wondered if they're interesting to keep or not.
  26. C

    Want To Start A Small Cichlid Tank What Do I Need

    There are some apisto cichlids or dwarf cichlids that you could do in a 30 gallon. If you go with Tanganyika shell dwellers you can even go so small as a 10 gallon or 20 gallon tank. 20 long even better.   Most cichlids require at least a 55 gallon tank. Unless you don't mind re-homing your...
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    My Blank Tank

    i too purchase a bowfront tank off of craigslist, lol. looked exactly like that except its not a corner tank. bowfronts are fun! can't wait to see what you have in mind for it!
  28. C

    46 Gallon Bowfront Cichlid Mix

      Thanks!! To be completely honest, it really doesn't look any different. I used the heavier duty kind so it's a thicker bag than the average household trash bag.   If you don't pull it tight to the back of the tank you will see some of the creases from where it was folded..but I cut it to size...
  29. C

    46 Gallon Bowfront Cichlid Mix

    thankyou both! haha yes! the black trash bag was the easiest option. I didn't want to have to paint the tank and my LFS doesn't have any tank backgrounds that are high enough lol!
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    4Ft (286Litre) 'planted' Tank

    still looks beautiful! the plants are amazing! had me fooled, I thought they were real when I first saw the pictures!
  31. C

    2.6Ft Planted Sunsun Tank

    This tank is beautiful! I like the diagonal composition! and those bits of wood sticking out are just lovely. This makes me excited to start a planted community one day!
  32. C

    46 Gallon Bowfront Cichlid Mix

    Upgraded from a 20 long to this over the summer. It took a while to get it where it is now, because I had to replace the whole top frame and just getting the part for that was a pain in the butt.    Originally I was going to give my cichlids away and start fresh with a heavily planted community...
  33. C

    Aquascaping For A Betta

    hmm..I don't really like the rocks. Or maybe its just the big rock that I don't like. I think if you found a nice piece of driftwood that made the same sort of "tunnel" like effect you have..and the plants you have shown there would make it look a lot more natural. If thats the look you're going...
  34. C

    I've Run Into A Bit Of A! I have a 30" t5 light bar that I'm going to use on my 36" the problem is the lightbar doesn't come with feet..or adjustable bars to be placed on the tank to suspend the lighting. As for top wise..I have a canopy so I don't actually have something sitting right on the lip...
  35. C

    Can I Fill My 6Ft Tank Up ?

      I think they were referring to the dark water stain looking patch on the top block of the left side of your stand..
  36. C

    How Much Weight In Rocks Is Okay For My Tank?

      Thanks! My stand is the Aqueon wooden oak cabinet thing that is made for the tank so it should hold the weight! Now I just have to figure out where to get these eggcrate panels lol!
  37. C

    How Much Weight In Rocks Is Okay For My Tank?

    How much weight in rocks is okay for a 46 gallon tank?   I'm setting up a tanganyika tank and will be using rocks to form caves and such but I'm afraid of it all weighing too much and breaking it.
  38. C

    My 26 Gallon Bow Front

    I'd love to see this all overgrown and jungle like. I'm not sure if thats what you're intending on but I think it'd look awesome!   p.s. why are you guys hating on bowfronts?! lol. I personally think they look gorgeous! I have both a bow front and a long flat tank...the long flat tank just looks...