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    Live Rock question

    Buy pretty, cured rock, pick and choose a piece or two at a time, it took me a year to fill my 72 gallon. the best advice I ever got was to get some gravel from a show tank , this will "innoculate" your tank faster than rock because of the greater surface area.
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    More Noob Questions

    A powerhead will add lots of bubbles.
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    second hand tank question

    CLR calcium lime rust remover from walmart will for coffee makers,probably a good gentle choice!
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    Stocking options for beginners

    For the record I am LAZY LAZY after the first year my tank was stable, now I do nothing but change bulbs,adjust the salt and drop in the odd bit of food monthly sometimed i scrape the glass or pick a little algae, if Im really in a get-go mood I rinse out my protein skimmer. My tank is 4 years...
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    salt water tanks

    I have a virtually maintenance free tank...... the first year I bought the gizmos,stressed and tested,now I keep it simple, keep it natural,The best thing I did was innoculate the gravel with substrate from a healthy show tank. Go slow, dont over populate (I have never had more than 4 fish in...
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    Hair Algae in my 10g

    I recently added 2 emerald(mithrax)crabs to my 72 gallon and I have noticed a significant mowing of hair algae over the week. I have always manually removed it up to now. My urchin however, didnt make a difference I could see.
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    tang q?

    My tang has gotten some hair algae snagged in its tail barb. Im leery of interfering, is this a big deal ? My fish doesnt seem to notice but looks pretty foolish!
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    A 10 gallon, but been outside.......

    I had a cichlid tank which was infected by feeder fish and was a total loss, the crushed coral substrate ended up sitting outside for the winter and I washed it with the garden hose and used it for the substrate beginning my fitst saltwater aquarium. I started with a small piece of live rock and...