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  1. X

    Extreamly Low Ph

    Hi Metfan and Inchworm. I too live in Mid Suffolf county and hava a ph of around 7. I have a KH of 2dKH. It's naturally low but it's enough buffering capacity to hold up for the week. if you do a weekly W/C your ph swhouldn't drop that much. I add baking soda to raise the KH but I inject...
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    Great Conversion Website

    They both come in handy. Cool.
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    Red Tailed Shark

    TY. There color is indicative of your water quality.
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    Red Tailed Shark

    Go for it. Here's a pic of mine:
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    Red Tailed Shark

    He won't touch your cory's at all. I had them for years in a community tank. There basically only agressive towards each other, so only get one. They like caves or hidding places. They also eat algae all day long.
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    Angel Aids

    Thank you both and especially you Tolak. I bought the the medicine and put him the quar tank today. I hope it's not to late for him. I should of asked for help a few days ealier when he first acted funny. I was happy to find more info on the angel aids that you linked. I was curious as to...
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    Angel Aids

    It's a 28g BF. I do w/c once a week. The problem is I have nitrates in my tap water, 25ppm. The fish are 6 rummy noses, 2 corys, 12 neons, 1 swordtail, 3 rasboras, 1 redtail shark, 3 black mollie, 1 blue ram, 2 honey gouramis. 1 bamboo shrimp. The angel didn't start to shy away until they...
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    Angel Aids

    I had 2 angels that died with in 2 weeks. They both just stopped eating and now my 3rd angel has stopped eating too. All other fish are happy and healthy, no deaths (in a community tank). There are no visbal signs with the angels except they started to hide more near the plants. I've had...
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    The Good Bacteria

    I read from Peter Hiscock that it was good to leave a dirty sponge in the filter for anerobic bacteria to eat some of the nitrates. Is this a good idea to do?
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    Buying and transporting fish

    Good post! I agree it should be pinned. I agree with Annka5, they should be quarantined if possible. I learned the hard way before I started to quarantine.
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    Whats your ph and GH? Livebearers like hard alkaline water.
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    Desperately need advice - sorry very long

    What's your hardness, KH and GH? Your ph is high, especially for tetras.
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    explain something to me

    Years ago some tanks had a slate bottom. Someone in this hobby for many years can vouch for me. I sure its cheaper to use and make the glass bottom as opposed to the old slate ones.
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    Tubifex Worms

    Thanks for all your quick replies. It looks like I'm only gonna feed them LIVE shrimp for now on. I'll try frozen Tubifex and see how they like them. Thanks for all your good advice!
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    Tubifex Worms

    The worms I feed them look fresh and clean. I get them from a reputile LFS. They been in business for over 30 years. I don't worry about feeding them live brine shrimp since there is such a high salinity count warding off any parasites, but the fish prefer live tubifex over the shrimp. The...
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    Tubifex Worms

    I would think from them being frozen it would kill any parasite they may carry. I'm just not sure about LIVE worms.
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    Tubifex Worms

    Can FW fish catch any disease from live tubifex worms?