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  1. F

    Tank Temperature Won't Drop

    Im having the same issue, I think its just the ambient temperature from this heatwave causing it.
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    Chilli Rasbora (Brigittae) Hiding

    PH 7. Would It be a good idea to keep the light off until he gains confidence.   I thought the fact he had good colours might of been a positive thats hes healthy and just a bit nervous.
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    Chilli Rasbora (Brigittae) Hiding

    I introduced 13 Chilli Rasbora to my 60L tank on Saturday. 12 Of them school, swim and are eating however the 13th is hiding somewhere and Im not noticing him eat. I saw him briefly yesterday hiding under the driftwood and tried feeding so it fell in front of him but nothing. Just concerned if...
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    8 Days In And Still High Ammonia

    Hitchhikers. There's quite a few and are very small so hard to find. This forum advised leaving them in
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    8 Days In And Still High Ammonia

    So as the title says I am now 8 days in to fish less cycle and ammonia is still around 3 ppm and nitrite 2 ppm . I have live plants and have a number of snails crawling around. I guess the snails are adding to the ammonia but unsure what's best to do. Water change or will that slow it down? By...
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    I have this exact problem, in the process of fish less cycle amonia reading of 3ppm and loads of baby snails everywhere.   it looks like their covering the bottom of my tank in snail poo!   guess ill have to get an assassin snail.
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    Stock Quantities For 60L

    Yes we have a maidenhead aquatics. I went yesterday and was impressed. Best aquatic shop around here by far
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    Stock Quantities For 60L

    I like the look of them chilli rasbora! I guess I will have to see what I can source, what do you think 10-12 chilli if their micro?   I seem to have a baby snail crawling around my tank, must be from the plants. Whats the chances of him surviving the cycle with such ammonia levels?
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    Stock Quantities For 60L

    Haha no way Ben Vernon! I'm from telford. I have been out to Maidenhead today after hearing about them yesterday. Great store, great choice and just an overall good experience. Ripples are ok for supplies as I work on Stafford park but I didn't like their advice and know of plenty of people...
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    Stock Quantities For 60L

    Yes I am aware it is dependent of the betta. Ive read that if the betta is introduced last it can help, not sure of anyone elses opinions/experiences on here.   I was thinking about dividing the tank to allow them to get use to each other before being able to get at each other?   So you believe...
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    Stock Quantities For 60L

    My Filter has arrived today so I can start my fishless cycle tonight.   I have a 60L tank and have already discussed stock in other threads but im down to the following   Betta Shrimp Nerite Snail (Tiger Print) Either tetra or Rasboras   I prefer the look of rasboras if I can source them. I was...
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    Betta Tank Setup And What Else To House

    Just an Update, I now have a 60L and am waiting for the filter to turn to start the fish less cycle.   Still got my heart set on a betta so will get a couple of nerite snails, like the look of Tiger Nerites. Also will try shrimp to see how they get on.   Cant decided between tetras or ras.  ...
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    Water Ph

    Well the sand is used for my bearded dragon vivarium as it is safe due to kids play sand being free from toxins which is why its ideal for kids. I was just concerned about it changing the quality of the water.   I have the api Freshwater Test Kit and dont believe there are tests for gh and kh in...
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    Water Ph

    Ive Picked up a 60Litre Tank today and am in process of setting up. I have just tested the PH of my Tap Water. I also have some play sand I was hoping to use so I cleaned some in tap water and tested the PH. Photo of Results Below.     Tube 1: Standard Tap Water PH 7.6 Tube 2: Tap Water from...
  15. 2014-07-08-15.43.02.jpg


  16. F

    New Keeper Possibility Of Changing 30L To 60L

    Yeh ive been told in the betta board about tetra and betta and its down to the individual and also the other way around that the tetras may nip the betta. Also about the shrimp, alot of people have success as long as there are lots of hiding places. Ill see how they get on.
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    New Keeper Possibility Of Changing 30L To 60L

    Ive read the cycle guide, bought the household ammonia from homebase. Will have to obviously read again before doing so.   The Guy im buying the tank from is giving me some cuttings of his plants, This might help the tank cycle quicker? Im in no rush to stock it yet though. Haven't even decided...
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    New Keeper Possibility Of Changing 30L To 60L

    Ive just bought a 60 Litre, Hopefully collect this afternoon   I guess I know the answer to this but will the 40litre filter I have be ok in the 60 Litre as it will be accompanied by plants? If not ill get a new filter but will have to wait for delivery.
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    New Keeper Possibility Of Changing 30L To 60L

    Im sure that could be a possiblity one day but not at the moment. Id like a large 4' tank to replace my Bearded Dragon Vivarium one day
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    New Keeper Possibility Of Changing 30L To 60L

    Thanks ninjouzata I will look into the breeds mentioned above. The filter and heater Ive bought will only cope with upto 40 Litre, Im in two minds whether to get a 40 or 60 Litre now. I have found a bargain 60 Litre though which I may be able to collect tomorrow evening.   food for thought and...
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    New Keeper Possibility Of Changing 30L To 60L

    Well the hood is no good so plans are on hold. I will keep an eye out for a 60 litre now.
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    New Keeper Possibility Of Changing 30L To 60L

    I don't think your understanding me sorry. I'm on about the stock for if I upgrade to the 60L and NOT stock for a 30L. If I stay with the 30L it will definitely just be betta, snail, shrimp.
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    New Keeper Possibility Of Changing 30L To 60L

    Thanks fm1978   If I stick with the 30L it will definitely be the betta and snails. It was more of question on stock options if I do upgrade to the 60L. I like the look of the Corys so I reckon that would be a possibility.
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    Betta Tank Setup And What Else To House

    I may be upgrading to a 60L so have started a new thread on the tropical board as it wasn't betta specific:
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    New Keeper Possibility Of Changing 30L To 60L

    Hi, I Am new to fish keeping and today took delivery of components for my tank. Test Kit, Heater, Filter, substrate etc. I was going to setup tonight and begin the cycle process however.   I have just found out The 30 Litre tank I have acquired might have a fault with the hood(so light wont...
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    Betta Tank Setup And What Else To House

    Anubias comes up regularly for betta tanks so that's a definite. Java moss spirals out of control rapidly so kind of puts me off. Is peacock moss easier to to keep control of? Will I need different substrate than just gravel?
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    Betta Tank Setup And What Else To House

    Ok, its no problem as I have both on the way. Im now looking into planted tanks to see what plants to go for.
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    Betta Tank Setup And What Else To House

    if I plant as heavy Alasse should I still use the filter or not?
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    Betta Tank Setup And What Else To House

    Brilliant, thank you for everyones help. The Heater, Filter etc should be here this week so I can set it up and cycle. Im still uncertain on the plants. Fake silk plants sound good for the maintenance side however the look of real plants would be nicer and with it being a small tank I guess...
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    Betta Tank Setup And What Else To House

    Looks like a male betta then and a couple nitrate zebras. The fact the zebras won't mate in the conditions is good. Is it best for shrimp and snails to be in the tank first? Surely there won't be enough food (algae)? Guess you can buy suitable food?
  31. F

    Betta Tank Setup And What Else To House

    Thanks for the reply. I know they don't require company but thought something else in there would be more appealing on the eye. Obviously not to the detrement of the fish though. How about 2 or 3 female betta and snail? I've read conflicting information on this. Some say fine and some not. I...
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    Betta Tank Setup And What Else To House

    Sorry for double post, I can't find edit post? however I have just realised 30L is actually 6.5 gallons not 10
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    Betta Tank Setup And What Else To House

    Hi All, I am new to fish Keeping, well tropical anyway, I had white cloud minnows as a kid and thats about it for my experience so I am trying to get my research done.   I have speant the last week or so deciding what to keep in the 30 Litre (10 gallon) tank. Betta fish continually come up and...
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    New Member Researching

    Hi All, New Member here, have recently been given a  tank and ordered a bunch of equipment online. been researching what to keep and as usual the internet is full of conflicting advice so thought best to sign up on forum.   Ill Keep this post short and sweet and head to the appropriate section...