Stock Quantities For 60L


Mostly New Member
Jul 4, 2014
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My Filter has arrived today so I can start my fishless cycle tonight.
I have a 60L tank and have already discussed stock in other threads but im down to the following
Nerite Snail (Tiger Print)
Either tetra or Rasboras
I prefer the look of rasboras if I can source them. I was wondering what quantity of each would be ideal in my 60L.
1 Betta
5 Shrimp
2 Snails
6-8 Tetra or Rasbora?
Im thinking either Lambchop or harlequin rasbora.
Also any good fish stores around the West Midlands? My local LFS is ok for supplies but not so sure on the livestock. I also avoid big chain pet stores for livestock.
Ebay seem to have the fish I want but obviously I dont get to see them this way.
I'd lean towards the rasboras as some tetras can be nippy (am sure rasboras can too I just havn't read about that happening much).
Those are both very lovely and I'm trying to choose between them as well for one of my tanks. I believe 6-8 would be fine.
Unfortunately I am not in the UK so cannot make any recommendations for fish stores. If you can't find the fish you want near you then ordering online is a great option, depending on who you contact they can usually give you pics or video of the fish. You may also find them on a secondhand site if someone is getting rid of theirs.
Think I've already mentioned on another thread that this will also depend on the personality of your betta, hopefully you can find a relaxed one. :)
Yes I am aware it is dependent of the betta. Ive read that if the betta is introduced last it can help, not sure of anyone elses opinions/experiences on here.
I was thinking about dividing the tank to allow them to get use to each other before being able to get at each other?
So you believe the numbers ive mentioned above will be suitable then?
I am from Telford, West Midlands and I will also be cycling my new 60L this weekend. I will be having either 6 neon tetras and 6 glowlight tetras OR 8 neons and a betta (my prefered option). I'm not too sure about rasboras as I have never kept them before however I have kept tetras before and in my opinion they're great. 
In terms of fish stores, there are two main fish stores that I go to. The first is Maidenhead Aquatics in Newport however they operate all over the West Midlands so you might find one closer to you. They have provided me with some really healthy and quality fish over the past couple of years. Although the prices are quite high, the fish and plants are well worth the money. 
The other fish shop I go to is Ripples on Stafford Park. Again, they provide great fish and I highly recommend them. 
That's all. Hope I helped.
Haha no way Ben Vernon! I'm from telford. I have been out to Maidenhead today after hearing about them yesterday. Great store, great choice and just an overall good experience.

Ripples are ok for supplies as I work on Stafford park but I didn't like their advice and know of plenty of people who have bought fish from them that don't always do well. I know this has to be taken with a pinch of salt as could be the keepers but hey Ho.

Maidenhead is great will definately be going back!
Harlequin Rasbora will be great to start out with but no idea if they're ok with betta   
I started with 6 of them in a 70 litre tank as my first fish and went through a fish in cycle
 They've  been perfect, never chased/nipped anybody or anything and are still alive and happy after 2 years although they are now in a bigger tank 
What about a larger school of micro rasbora? Like Chilli Rasbora or Gallaxy Rasbora?
I like the look of them chilli rasbora! I guess I will have to see what I can source, what do you think 10-12 chilli if their micro?
I seem to have a baby snail crawling around my tank, must be from the plants. Whats the chances of him surviving the cycle with such ammonia levels?
I was thinking 10 but 12 might be ok. Do you have a maidenhead near you? I know its a chain but I find them very reliable, some of the shops near me have Chilli Rasbora in from time to time so they should be able to order them. They are a nice fish and suitable for a lot of tanks so you might find they order a big batch in :)
Yes we have a maidenhead aquatics. I went yesterday and was impressed. Best aquatic shop around here by far

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