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  1. F

    Feeding them cucumber

    easiest, cheapest way is to get plant weights, the little rubber band like holders that weigh down plants, i went to my lfs and asked about them, they don't sell them they reached in thier plant tanks and gave me several for free, then just clip em on and let the cuc sink to the bottom, they...
  2. F

    Cloudy Tank

    Cloudy water 2 possabilities 1) gravel not cleaned well enough - Usually occurs at the time you set up the tank 2) bacteria bloom (usually occurs after adding new fish) The later sounds like your problem, as from your post it sounds as though you have had your tank setup a while I battled...
  3. F

    about pH 7.0

    in my experience ph 7.0 sucks, it did nothing for me, and the problem with most Ph balancing chemicls, (specially since you have high ph to begin with) is that ph fluctuations are more stressful to your fish that the high ph to begin with. I belive (and someone correct me if im wrong) that...
  4. F

    can you use...?

    You can find "pure" ammonia at any good hardware store, a good test to see if its just ammonia with no addatives is to shake the bottle if it FOAMS then its nout 100% pure ammonia. Strees zyme, is bacteria and not AMMONIA. you would need some ammonia to keep the bacteria colony alive. I have...
  5. F

    Water changing

    In a mature tank depending on size, a once a week 25% water change is good, but you need to test your water and see what your levels of ammonia, nitrites and nitrates are, get back to us with those and we can help you better, also please if you will let us know the size of your tank and your...
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    pictures of my tank

    great tank there, the problems i see (and im no expert) but : 1: you have asked several times about keeping the bristlenoses , and have been told about how messy they are and how inefficient they are at cleaning algae compared to other species of fish ARE YOU ACTUALLY READING THESE POST?, BTW...
  7. F

    Fish for 125 gl tank

    CLOWN LOACHES!!!!!!!!!!! they are so cool, i just got some today as a matter of fact, and when i get my 75gallon i plan to get a couple of more
  8. F

    Who here uses the python?

    no you dont use cold water, as mentioned earlier in this thread, you pull down the pump that would normally drain the water through turn on your faucet and hold a thermometr under the running water until you get your desired temperature, then close the pump, switch the switch and fill your tank...
  9. F

    keeping driftwood down?

    i brought my piece home, let the HOT water run until it was as hot as it could get then soaked the driftwood in a 5gallon bucket of that hot water over night, repeated that routine the next day till i got home and then used a "clean"untainted brush to get rid of any loose debris. rinsed it and...
  10. F

    the freakiest thing ever!

    You said your not sure of the species, maybe its a teleporter like Nitecrawler from the xmen, and he got tired of his home, or was curious about other far far away places, and wanted to check it out, you know go chill with his peeps, so he teleported himself to the new tank, then couldnt figure...
  11. F

    how do you

    what kind of camera are you using?