Fish for 125 gl tank

DwarfCichlid Man

New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
England, Leeds
I have a 125 gl tank with
2x Biolife 55gl internals
2x Cascade 55gl external

5x silver dollars
2x silver distichodus

just wanting some ideas on tank mates any ideas welcome but not cichlids as iv kept them all my life looking for some thing differant.

how about 4 or 5 clown loaches?
You could also keep tinfoil barbs or bala sharks
:eek: I know, I know!!!!! A GIANT GOUARMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ethos said:
:eek: I know, I know!!!!! A GIANT GOUARMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ahh, no. Wrong info. Giant gouramis recquire huge amounts of water, well over 125gallons when fully grown, to be comfortable.
mr_miagi32 said:
Ethos said:
:eek: I know, I know!!!!! A GIANT GOUARMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ahh, no. Wrong info. Giant gouramis recquire huge amounts of water, well over 125gallons when fully grown, to be comfortable.
Actully, 125G is the minimum G reqquirement. So he could keep one in his tank, but it would be all he could have for a long time.......
I'd go with the clown loaches, they are great fish to watch.
CLOWN LOACHES!!!!!!!!!!! they are so cool, i just got some today as a matter of fact, and when i get my 75gallon i plan to get a couple of more
Ethos said:
mr_miagi32 said:
Ethos said:
:eek:  I know, I know!!!!! A GIANT GOUARMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ahh, no. Wrong info. Giant gouramis recquire huge amounts of water, well over 125gallons when fully grown, to be comfortable.
Actully, 125G is the minimum G reqquirement. So he could keep one in his tank, but it would be all he could have for a long time.......
minimum does not equal recommended.

clowns loaches are a popular option ;) and there's also bala sharks. red belly pacus top out at around 8 inches. giant danios, dojo loaches (for cooler tanks), most of the rainbow fish grow rather large. a knifefish would probably do well, or you could try your hand with baby whales or one of the other morymids. a couple of peacock spiney eels would be great additions. or you could try a single fire eel, but careful--it might actually grow large enough to eat your other fish.

hmmm, this is interesting. from the Guide to Oddballs:
Petocephalus bovei, Baby Whale; This Mormyrid lacks the "elephant nose" and so is not as easily recognised as the last two. They are seldom seen in the trade only being occasionally imported from West African exporters. These will grow to around 4 inches and like other Mormyrids are territorial amoungst their own kind, if kept in a group keep only one fish per 20 gallons of tank volume. Care is the same as other elephant nose fish with small foods, sand substrate and excellent water being required at all times.

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