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  1. V

    got me some black skirts

    I just got some black skirts too! They’re mesmerizing together! :wub:
  2. V

    Possible sick tetra?

    So I’m still pretty new to fish keeping. Unfortunately we just lost one of my sons neon tetras. I did the nightly head count before feeding time and noticed I was missing two tetras. Looked in the filter first and unfortunately -#2 was there. We noticed after a couple of hours and scooped him...
  3. V

    Share your bettas

    He is stunning!! :wub:
  4. V

    Share your bettas

    Thank you! I’ve been researching RO but this explanation makes me feel much less overwhelmed!
  5. V

    Share your bettas

    Durp moment, my PH is good too. ive seen reference to RO water a few times. What is it exactly?
  6. V

    Share your bettas

    my testing kit does not give me exact ppm but I am in the 300 range. I will look into a better ph testing system as I am truly curious about it. I saw a product that helps bring down the PH when looking at decorations at Walmart one day. Would this be something that would work well for my fish...
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    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    I discovered rather quickly that our community Beta has to be fed first. And only this way will he leave his tank mate’s food alone :)
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    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    Unfortunately I caught a cold and had to isolate. So for two weeks they had the run of the mill at the LFS this is also how we came to having to rearrange our 20G into a split tank to accommodate for his impulse buy of a crayfish! Lord help me hahah
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    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    Thank you! I am loving this group dynamic and all the knowledge I am gaining from it too!
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    Hi y’all :)

    It was so fun letting my 7yo pick out his decorations for his tank! He actually picked a nice castle with lots of different sized hiding spots. We’ll find at night the beta in one hole, the neon tetras coming out of the other end of the same hole, the shrimps and oto scale the castle at night...
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    Hi y’all :)

    Thank you! I love that since the big tank is in our room, we will now spend hours as a family laying on the bed watching the fish and crayfish instead of ignoring each other in front of the tv. And most Saturdays we end up at our LFS now
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    Hi y’all :)

    Thank you And Yes! I found the thread already and actually posted there first I need better pics of them, but in order this is Rexi and Joe. I really need a more recent picture of Rexi for a before and after as he was so droopy with an early case of fin rot when we brought him home. He is so...
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    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    Yes! My son’s Beta does really well in his community tank! Everyone has their hidey holes but they’re all really chill with each other too!
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    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    The orange ones really stand out, so does our pink and green one.
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    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    Haha! My husband and son bought the gravel and plants without me most are neon and the gravel is blue! Although I think I’ve talked my husband into black sand for our tank upgrade!
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    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    Hahah yes! They like to taunt our beta and then hide in holes too small for him to follow them lol!
  18. V

    Hi y’all :)

    Hey guys, new to TFF, but in the last couple of months I have found myself coming to this forum multiple times while setting up my tanks. This is a full family hobby in our house. It first started as my son wanting a Beta, as my siblings have one each, and ended in now having 3 tanks and a total...
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    Share your bettas

    These are our two Betas. The Red crowntail is Rexi, he is my son’s. The Blue mustard is Joe, he is my husbands. Somehow I have bought, cared, and have been most excited about the fish, and managed to not have one of my own
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  22. V

    Share your bettas

    Hi, can I ask about the issue of hard water and Betas? We have had our crown tail and blue mustard for almost a couple of months. Our water is pretty hard but all our other parameters are good and they seem to have been thriving since bringing them home.